F - aran x kita

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Aran and Kita met when they were only 5 years old. It was their first day in preschool and Kita was absolutely obsessed with Aran. Was it because he was one of the rare black people he had seen in his life? Maybe he found his curly hair special. Or maybe it was because Aran liked playing with Kita, unlike some other kids their age that didn't really like the shy and quiet kid he was.

The smaller boy followed Aran wherever they went. Aran had a few other friends in their class, but Kita considered him his only friend, so he stuck around him all the time. He would look up at his friend with adoration and admiration in his eyes whenever they spent time together. They spent everyday of preschool together and they liked the company of the other. Aran had helped Kita get out of his comfort zone and he internally appreciated him for that.

At the end of the preschool year, both boys promised the other to spend each summer day together at the park, which never happened. Kita moved away during summertime and never saw his first friend again.


Kita was extremely desperate. He was missing at least one player to have an adequate volleyball team. Even though he wasn't playing as much as he wanted, being captain of the volleyball team, he wanted a team good enough to make it to Nationals. Since he was on his third year of high school, he wanted to at least make it far into the competition before quitting volleyball forever, because he knew he wouldn't keep playing after high school.

Kita was reluctantly walking back to the gym, head low, sad he wasn't able to find anyone to fill the hole the team had. When he approached the gym, he heard unexpected yelling. His team usually didn't yell, so he was really worried as to what was happening that made them yell.

He sprinted to the door, but stopped in the doorway at the scene before him. His team was calmly sitting on the benches, sipping water, while two unidentified boys fought in the center of the gym, and another boy filming the whole thing. Both boys on the floor swung at each other and yelled and swore at each other while the volleyball team watched, snickering.

Kita stepped in. "What is the matter here?"

Both boys on the floor instantly stopped their banter and looked up at Kita. Twins, he though immediately. The other boy, that was recording the fight, stood up and put his phone back in his pocket.

"I asked a question. What is going on?", the captain repeated. This time, the twins got up and bowed in front of Kita, apologizing.

"Basically what happened was piss hair insulted grandpa and they started hitting each other", the taller boy of the three said. "It's basically a routine now."

"And why is that happening in my gym during practice?"

"Sorry captain", the yellow haired twin apologized.

"We didn't know there was practice at this time of the day. We simply came to play", the other twin explained.

Kita felt hope for a moment. Would they want to be a part of the team? But if they fight regularly, maybe this isn't such a good idea. But they really needed extra players to make it to Nationals.

"Really? What position do you play?", Kita asked.

"Opposite spiker."


Kita was surprised. It wasn't every year a new setter would make the team.

"Would you guys be interested in making the team? We're a bit short on players this year, and I'm sure we would appreciate a second setter", the third year asked the twins.

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