A - kuroo x daishou

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Enemies To Lovers to Strangers

He has no fucking idea.

"Lev, nice serve!"

No idea how he makes me feel.

"Kenma, you seem out of it. Would you like me to call timeout for a water break?"

He's so inconsiderate.

"That was a really nice dive, Yaku-kun. Keep them up, champion!"

So insensitive.

"We've got this boys! After all, Nekoma isn't champion for no reason!"

My heart ached when I looked at him. With his dark messy hair, his piercing gaze and iconic grin. We just lost to Nekoma, so of course we were devastated, but what was more devastating for me was the fact he never acknowledged me.

I was a snake bastard, he was a rooster head bastard. We were rivals by default, but I didn't want to be. I liked him, way too much. He was so passionate about the things he loved, and I loved that about him. He was illegally attractive, and he knew it.

We lined up to shake hands at the end of the match. Of course I had a sly smile on, and squeezed his hand way too hard when we shook hands, and he did the same. And when we let go, my smile fell with my hand.

These feelings I had had been present for far too long. He didn't like me. He never would. He liked his setter, I could see it. I just wished that for once, he would look my way the way he looked at him.

He's so inconsiderate.

Toward my feelings.

He's so insensitive.

He always spit on my image, calling me names.

Every time our teams met, we would have a stare down. Every time we met, we would insult each other, calling the other degrading names. And our teams loved it. The medias loved it. It was rivalry at its peak. The headlines were magnificent.

My heart...

...ached. So much.

I was a fool, I knew that. Kept telling myself he was insensitive and inconsiderate.

He's not.

He fucking loves his teammates. He takes pride in volleyball, in his team. He wasn't captain for no reason. He had a good head on his shoulders. He always cheered with his teammates. He would lead them to victory. He would listen to them when they had suggestions, demands, requirements. He was the epitome of what a true team captain was.

And I loved all of it...

But he only saw me as his undeniable rival.

I wish he would look at me like he looked at his setter. I knew they were childhood friends, but there was more than that between them.

I wanted that.

I wanted him...


After the match, both teams went their own way, changing in the locker rooms.

Daishou took his time to shower and change into clean clothes. Most of his teammates were done by now. When most of them left the locker room, their captain sat still on the bench, pensive. Nervous.

I have no other choice, he thought to himself. I won't ever know if I don't ask.

When he calmed down and gathered his thoughts, he left the locker room, at last. At the end of the hall, he saw Nekoma's captain walking side by side with their setter. They stopped and the smaller of the two entered a room. It looked like the bathroom. Daishou saw the captain leaning against the wall, waiting for his setter.

This was his chance.

He approach the taller man nervously, but tried to not let it show. They made eye contact when Nekoma's captain saw him approach.

"Well, well, well. If this isn't Nohebi's all mighty snake", the taller of the two snickered, his arms crossed against his chest.

Daishou only rolled his eyes. "I get it, I'm a snake. You will find another insult someday. Just keep trying", he replied sourly.

Kuroo scoffed at the answer. He wasn't expecting the green haired boy to answer so rudely.

Daishou sighed heavily and looked down, fiddling with his fingers. This didn't go unnoticed by Nekoma's captain, who found it extremely concerning all of a sudden. Kuroo straightened up against the wall at the sight of an extremely nervous and blushing snake.

"Look, I... I don't know how else to say this...", Daishou started. You could barely hear his voice by the end of that single sentence. Kuroo felt uneasy before this unusual sight.

A shaky breath came out of Daishou's shaking lips as he looked up at Kuroo. "I like you... a lot", he managed to get out. He quickly looked down at his feet when he saw Kuroo's eyes widen in pure shock. "I know it's wei-"

"Ew, what the fuck?"

Daishou snapped his head up at the words, his eyes immediately tearing up. He apprehended a negative response, but not... this.

"Please don't come near me again. I'm not homophobic or anything, I just find you disgusting. I don't want to associate with you, even less being seen with you. Now can you leave before my friend comes back from the bathroom and sees us together? This is embarrassing."

Daishou was freely crying by now. He knew he'd get rejected, but this hurt way more. This hurt a lot. He felt extremely broken, more than ever. He didn't know his heart could shatter in even smaller pieces, but it was happening.

He left pretty quickly after Kuroo had told him to. He couldn't stop the hot tears to roll down his cheeks when he joined his team outside. His teammates were concerned about him, but Daishou was shutting them off.

When a moment later Kuroo and Kenma got out of the gymnasium, both captains made eye contact again. Kuroo looked disgusted and even fake gagged when he walked passed Nohebi. Daishou's teammates clearly saw the encounter, and saw how Daishou turned around to cry even harder.

He has no fucking idea.

No idea how he makes me feel.

He's so inconsiderate.

So insensitive.

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