"Hey, maybe some tea will help, come on let's get you to bed and I will give you some painkillers if you want." Adriano said getting up from the table.

I nodded before standing up and I literally only made two steps when another wave of pain hit me in my lower stomach.

"Woah, j'ai vraiment mal au ventre. (My stomach really hurts.)" I said kinda surprised because I don't remember getting sick ever. Gabriel made sure I always stay healthy for training. "Putain.. (fuck.)" I muttered when I felt a really tense pain.

"Oy watch that language." Giovanni scolded even though I don't think this is the time. "Adriano, carry her to her room, I will be right there with the painkillers."

"I will make her tea." Elio said getting up as well.

"Non non, je peux marcher t'inquiète pas. (No no, I can walk, don't worry.)" I said.

"Wait how do we say shut up in french?" Adriano asked looking around before remembering. "Ferme-toi. (Get closed.)" I let out a laugh because that actually doesn't mean anything.

"You mean 'ferme la'? (Shut it.)" I chuckled.

"Whatever." Adriano rolled his eyes before he— I don't how he did it this smoothly but he's carrying me the bridal style right now. It's awkward for me to be honest, I am not used to being touched this way, the non harmful way. I didn't have the right to hug him because Gabriel prohibited me to care for him or anyone— maybe except for himself.

I don't hate it. I don't hate that Adriano is holding me right now.

"Oh my god your birth mark is so cute!" I exclaimed looking at the skin behind his ear, he has a heart shaped birth mark.

"Remind me to tattoo something on it." He rolled his eyes like the word 'cute' offended him.

"Mais non... (No...)" No I am not gonna cry— What the fuck is wrong with me today? Too fucking emotional for what?

"Morana really?" Adriano questioned looking at me so confused. "I am not gonna cover it, don't cry."

"Promis? (Promise?)"

"I promise." He chuckled like he's not believing that the favourite french assassin is a cry baby.

"She cries like a toddler, you'd never guess that she killed thousands of people—"

"Thousands? Woah." I cut Elio off. "I killed 932 people."

"You keep track?" He questioned stunned.

"I do it subconsciously."

"The way you just said subconsciously was so french." Elio chuckled making me roll my eyes, like I know I have an accent and it doesn't bother me honestly, it just shows that I speak more than one language which makes me superior to some people. We love being superior.

"Watch that attitude." Giovanni said not missing any chance to scold me and I had to literally blink a couple of times to stop myself from rolling my eyes again. "Get her to bed." He ordered Adriano.

"So bossy..." I muttered.

"What did you say Morana? I don't tolerate whispers." Giovanni said so domineering.

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