Chapter 2: Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Is there something that you would like to say, miss [last name]?" you heard the professor ask.

"Uh, well. His statement was correct but it was completely off the real version," you said. The professor raised an eyebrow, nodding.

"If you wouldn't mind. Could you tell the real story behind Medusa?"

"Yes, professor. As he said, Medusa was one of the most beautiful women there was in Ancient Greek. She did love Poseidon, but she had sworn an oath of chastity in order to serve Athena in her temple. But Poseidon thought otherwise. It is said that he took her in the very temple she had sworn to serve. Now it was very disrespectful to Athena which led her to believe it was Medusa's fault since Poseidon left the scene. And she cursed Medusa with the famous snake hair. Not only was Medusa cursed, but her two other sisters were as well," you finished, earning an applause from the professor.

"Excellent! And that is why so many women are getting tattoos of Medusa. As a sign that they did survive all the horrid things in the past. Now we won't go in-depth about that, but mister Smith," the professor called out to the guy behind you. "You could learn something when you actually pick up a book instead of a football."

Cameron snickered next to you. You two fist-pumped, before focusing on the lecture again.


"Alright, everyone! That is the end of the lesson. Remember to pay the fees for the trip we will be taking. And read pages twenty to thirty-two. Enjoy the rest of your day," he excused you all.

"Professor, what will the trip be about exactly?" asked one of your classmates.

"We'll be visiting a museum of ancient arts. Trust me, there will be pretty swords and interesting things to see," he added, chuckling at himself.

Cameron and you walked out. The two of you didn't live in the same dorm (unfortunately) but at least you had your hang-out spot. The famous Cupcake Café.

"I have to say, he seems like a nice guy," Cameron said out of the blue.

"Who? Our professor?" you asked.

"Yes, he made learning fun. That is a very difficult thing to do when it comes to me." You walked across the street, not bothering to look if any cars are coming your way.

"I agree. But I nearly had a heart attack when he called my name. I thought I did something wrong," you said, remembering when you explained the story of Medusa (without stuttering).

"It was impressive, but I can't wait for the trip. Who knows maybe we get to find a hot tourist?"

You walked into the café, sighing. "How about we try not to think of finding someone and enjoy the trip?" you asked.

"What's the fun in that?" Cameron asked, stepping up to the counter. "Hey there. Could we get two medium coffees with two sugars? Oh! And two chocolate muffins? Thanks!"

He walked away, leaving the barista to get our orders ready. The two of you sat in your usual spot. The furthest from all the tables, right next to the window.

"I'm mostly excited to look at the 'pretty swords'," you said, quoting what your professor had said. "Should we pay now or later, for the trip?" you asked, taking your phone out of your pocket.

"Let's do it now. Knowing you, you would forget it," Cameron said, chuckling. You looked up from your phone, ignoring the tik tok that you scrolled past.

"Forget what?" you asked.

Cameron stopped, staring at you. "Did you... did you seriously just forget what you said a couple of seconds ago?" You nodded confused. "[Name], we should pay for the trip. The history trip?"

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