Season 4: 1# Back To The Trains

Start from the beginning

Zach: Okay, so what's our plan in Wales?

Aimee: We have to look for some artefacts and shit basically from my town. Maybe, just maybe we could learn something about Time Travelling Spirits and the history of Wales.

Karl: At least I could find my kind.

Aimee: We also had to look for the whereabouts of the victims of the massacre and the remaining conspirers. Oh boy we met one of them, that stupid goddamn caretaker.

Mr Tan: I'm pretty sure she's the only last surviving member of the English division. Wanna know the organisation against Zodiac heroes?

Cass: What are they called?

Mr Tan: They're called the Zodiac Labourers, they were active back in the 1980s worldwide. However, as of now, only the Welsh and Irish division are active as of now. Everyone else seemed to have disbanded, either cuz they thought they eliminated everybody or because all of them had died.

Aimee: Died of what? Frustration?

Mr Tan: Honestly, you shouldn't be making fun of other people's deaths.

Mat: Yeah, your previous incarnations had died just so that they could continue their legacy. Just in a new body.

Mr Tan: Well, some died of illness, others were shot to death. Maybe killed by some natural disaster I suppose, we dunno.

Aimee: And that's why we're gonna learn more about them in Wales.

Bill: You seem pretty excited about Wales, huh?

Aimee: Yeah, it's my home country. At least you'll learn something new as you get there. We'll be learning more about the history, Celts, that Zodiac Labourers organisation that tried to kill us and more.

Mr Tan: Actually, back when I was the leader, these guys were trying to attack me and my team.

Zach: You had a team?

Mr Tan: Well, all Guardians start off as Zodiac leaders and lead their own team. Like our most recent leader-to-Guardian, Brad.

Brad: That's right.

Mr Tan: I had my own team. They consisted of Roland Orzabal, Curt Smith, John Bongiovi or Jon Bon Jovi, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Whitney Houston, George Michael, Andrew Ridgeley, Rick Astley, Kylie Minogue, Charlie and Craig Reid and Bryan Adams. There's probably more.

Zach: But they were famous singers.

Mr Tan: They were according to the humans but they were also Zodiac heroes during the night. Sadly, Michael, Whitney and George died.

Beau: Oh.

Aimee: May they rest in peace.

Mr Tan: But the rest are still alive, you gotta meet them.

Delilah: At least they didn't end up like Gerald and I's team who died cuz of the shootings.

Mr Tan: At least my team didn't even though the massacre was huge at the time. But anyway, I also wanted you guys to meet them after we go to Wales.

Larry: That sounds cool.

The train arrived and we hopped into the train, put our bulky (well, not really bulky but it felt like it) bags down and sat down. It's gonna be a long train ride because we are apparently going to a different country. I'm sitting next to my boyfriend now because why not, I love him.

Ryan L: So, we're heading to Wales.

Zach: A whole new country.

Ryan L: Yeah. I wonder what's next, Ireland perhaps?

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