Is This Too Cliche?

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"Where are we going?" Alex whined, bouncing up and down in the passengers seat. That boy got so excited over surprises, while Jack personally hated them, but it was pretty damn cute.

"Not tellingggg!" Jack sung in a taunting voice.
"You'll have to wait until we get there. It's worth it, I promise."

 He reached his hand to meet Alex's in between them, lightly gripping it and turning his attention back on the road. It wasn't a long drive, but it was definitely away from the city. They drove along more dirt roads, headlights shining into the dark ahead of them. The sun had just set, sky clear and plain.

 Jack stopped in front of a small path leading into the forest, getting out of the car and heading to the trunk. Alex followed as he watched the other man grab various items, a bag that was stuffed so much it looked like it would burst at the seams, a small telescope, and one other item Alex couldn't identify through the blackness, but he found the cold metal being placed in his palm.

"You can hold the flashlight." Jack ordered, swinging the backpack around his shoulders and carrying the telescope under his arm.  Alex really wanted to know what exactly Jack had planned but he didn't wanna ruin the surprise, so he flicked the flashlight on and shined it in front of them as Jack lead him into the thick woods. Aside from the critters rustling through the trees and crickets harmonizing together while the boys' feet crunched the leaves and sticks beneath them, there was nothing but silence. Alex flashed the light around, looking for something that would signal the end of their journey but their path seem never ending. A hand was then guiding him by the arm to the right into a small clearing, where Jack swung the bag off his back and began to unzip it to take out it's contents.

 From the bag, he laid out several blankets onto the ground and motioned for Alex to sit down on said blankets. He complied, settling himself into the comforters that felt much warmer than the night air. Watching the taller man set up his small telescope, he wondered if Jack had always had a thing for astronomy.

"So we're star glazing?" Alex questioned, feeling suddenly excited. He had never thought about something like this, it was always pegged as a nerdy activity, but he realized how romantic it actually sounded.

"That was the plan." Jack replied, arms collapsing to him sides with a triumphant smile as he finished pointing the instrument at the precise angle. He sat down next to Alex, cuddling into the blankets much like his boyfriend had.

"My grandfather used to be big in the astronomy stuff. He used to show me stuff all the time. I don't really know anything about it, but I figured we could try. J-Just, ya know, to spend time together and look at the stars." He grinned, looking down in that adorably-shy way that Alex loved. He couldn't help but smile at the idea. When did Jack become so cheesy?

"I think it's very romantic of you." The smaller male said, kissing Jack on the cheek before resting his head on his shoulder.

"There's just been so much stress lately, so much drama, I felt like we needed some time away from that." Jack sighed. It's true. Since Merrikat's break up, there's been a lot of tension. Rian refused to speak to either of the men, reasoning that Alex was being 'an insensitive asshole' to his best friend. Which he was, kind of. And Jack, well Rian wouldn't dare go near Jack for fear of killing the man. Zack was against Rian's method of dealing with the situation. He was willing to talk to Jack, stay friends, but he was still weary of Alex and that was when the guilt set in. The realization that he lost one of his best friends finally hit him once Zack stated that he wanted to talk to Jack, but not him. Knowing he needed to do something to make it up to Zack, he'd been stressing the entire time only to have come up with nothing. Tonight was not about Zack or Rian, though. Tonight was about Jack and Alex, star gazing and cuddling like faggots in love.

 Tapping the other's shoulder, Jack pointed up at the sky, showing the first few stars that appeared. Jack peered into the eye hole, making sure his alignments were correct before ushering Alex over to take a look. Inside he could see the small cluster of stars, dazzling in the wonders of space. Becoming more and more interested, he moved the telescope around, looking for other objects of the universe. Jack stared at Alex, smiling at the way the man seemed to take over.

"Look! I think that's Mars!" The shorter male exclaimed excitedly, more to himself than his boyfriend.

"Can I see?" Jack asked, taking hold of the instrument when Alex moved off of it. Squinting and concentrating, there it was. Small but recognizable was a red dot, that was apparently Mars.

"That's amazing! Isn't it?" Alex asked rhetorically.

"Hey, if you like this stuff, stars and space, I have a ton of my grandfather's old astronomy books and what not. If you want it.." Jack offered, now seeing how much the other man enjoyed it.

"Really? That would be so cool! I've always kind of had this obsession with Space." Alex said, tucking himself into Jack's chest with a grin on his face. Jack just replied with a 'mhm', wrapping his arms around the man. They gazed up at the sky, now crowded with a million little jewels. It was magnificent, how beautiful everything seemed once you took a moment to appreciate it. That made Jack remember way back to when he met Alex, thinking about something that had been just as wonderful as the stars he'd been staring at.


"Hmm?" His boyfriend's eyes closed, content with laying in Jack's arms.

"Sing to me?" At that Alex looked up at him with a small smile. Usually he was crippling self-conscious wen it came to singing or playing guitar, but with Jack he was comfortable doing anything, knowing the other man would never judge him. The dark haired man lowered himself down, laying across the blankets and bringing Alex with him. Alex moved around, positioning himself on his back close to Jack side and began a sweet melody.

"If all our life is but a dream
Fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me

And then she said she can't believe
Genius only comes along
In storms of fabled foreign tongues
Tripping eyes, and flooded lungs
Northern downpour sends its love

Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down

Sugarcane in the easy mornin'
Weather vanes my one and lonely

The ink is running toward the page
It's chasin' off the days
Look back at both feet
And that winding knee
I missed your skin when you were east
You clicked your heels and wished for me

Through playful lips made of yarn
That fragile Capricorn
Unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
I know the world's a broken bone
But melt your headaches, call it home

Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down"

"You're voice is absolutely breathtaking." Jack sighed, still replaying the perfectly sung notes in his head. The two laid there in silence for a while, both completely content in their current moment, wrapped up in each other, slipping into the unconsciousness of sleep.

I hope you all like my little fluff chapter! Trying to think of ideas for fluff is a lot more difficult than I thought because I don't want it to be too cliche or overused.. even though star gazing probably is. Side note: I've been obsessed with Panic! recently, that's why Northern Downpour is the song I chose, I really liked it so why not! Comment, vote, all that stuff that gives me the motivation to write this (Thank you all so much for all the reads it seriously makes my life). I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day, even if you didn't have a valentine. You can be my valentine. Before this gets way too long, bye. I love you all so so so so much!

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