Embarrassed Shrooms

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*You wake up in a planet full of mushrooms. You seem to be wearing a mushroom outfit with a mushroom hat. You notice a figure in the distance, getting curious you get up and walk over to it. It was Error..*

"Well hello y/n.."

*He turned around and he didn't have his strings anymore on his face, he looked almost happy at that moment. You chuckle a little and walk up to him, he smiles slightly at you.*

"Welcome to your dream, I'm currently taking on a different form from myself, you'll get used to it."

*He reached out his hand, you hesitated in touching him and grabbed his hand. He clenched his face and opened his eyes after a while.*

"Huh. I guess I really am immune to you here."

*Looking at him confused, he pulls you in for an embrace. You're surprised by the warmth, the comfort. Hugging him back he shudders, his hands were shaking lightly against you. Exiting the embrace you look at his outfit more. He also has a mushroom hat on, wearing a robe made of rose red felt. Looking at him up and down he gave you a smirk.*

"You're checking me out huh?"

*You jolt your head away and you heard him cackle. You look back at him and stomp your foot in anger. He looks at you tears of joy in his eyes and smiles. He grabbed your hand pulling you in through the mushroom forest. Seeing creatures in mushroom hats make you smile. You guys finally stop at.. A cafe? He lets go of your hand and you both walk in together.*

"Oh hello! Welcome to mushmush cafe! How can I assist you today?"

"Uh yeah, we're stopping by. Do you by any chance have any chocolate items in stock?"

"Why yes we do! We have a Chocolate Milkshake and a Chocolatte!"

"Hm, I'll take a Chocolatte. What about you Y/N?"

*You look up at him and back at the lady.*

"Hmm.. Do you have any cherry stuff?"

"Why yes we do! We have a cherry pink drink and a cherrylatte."

"You know what, I'll take a cherrylatte."

"Coming right up! Please be seated at table 4 outside."

*Error took my hand again, but. This time, it felt different.. He pulled you to the table and pulled out the chair for you. Pushing you in as you sat down. How romantic! He sat down on the other side of the two seated table and you both sit silently for a while. But he managed to strike up a conversation about how good you dance. Eventually your food comes and you start to chat more about your interests. He tells you he likes to knit but doesn't really do it anymore, seeing as you both enjoyed somewhat the same things, he agreed to show you his skills one day.*

"Well, this was fun Y/N but, your dream is coming to an end I'm afraid."

*He pulls you in one last time and embrace each other. It suddenly cuts off and you wake up.*

**End Of Dream**

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