The Anew Awakening

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(RECAP.) *One of the guards nodded at the other and they began to sway me back and forth, and they let go. You felt the air running through your hair. You closed your eyes expecting to just die any second, but you ended up falling asleep..*

*You wake up with a sudden jerk. You're not in a dark abyss anymore. But instead a white void of nothingness. You stand up holding your head a little and made sure everything was still there. (It was), and you look around observing to see any sign of life. You suddenly hear a noise behind you and you freeze.*

"What do we have here.."

*The voice glitched out, almost like what those new inventions are. I think they call it the device..? Back to the point. You turn around and see a skeleton walking towards you at an alarming pace. You run in a fight or flight reaction.*


*You heard the skeleton scream. You look back, tears streaming down your face. This is it, you thought. You're really going to be monster food. Looking back again he's on his knees, He fell over..? You look in the direction you were running in and you look back at him. Slowly but surely getting closer.*

"Uhm.. Hello?.."

*Suddenly strings came from above you like a nightmare, you squirm and see the skeleton get up.*

"Never trust someone you've never met. You weakling."

*The skeleton examined you, taking in all of your details. He raised one of his so called "eyebrows" and paced back and forth, seemingly talking to himself. He started walking away and the strings just brang you with him. Being curious you yell out*

"HEY! What are the strings about, are you called skelestring? I mean, it makes perfect sense since you're a skeleton and you have strings."

*He jolted back and looked at you in disgust, I guess he didn't like that? The strings brang you face to face with him. He was an inch away, maybe he was taking notes? Suddenly you dropped down and stood up in front of him.*

"How did you get here?"

*The skeleton glared at you once more. You end up shrugging and he scoffs, turning around and walking away, you follow him quietly.*

"Why are you following me?"

"Well, I mean. you're the only person besides my mom and stepfather to not criticize me for being a monster."

*He froze and turned around. Your faces were close, too close. You reach to touch him and he backs away*

"Don't touch me."

*He gave a low growl and turned around grabbing your hand with his strings, basically dragging you over to what seemed to be..  A house?.- You get inside and the string lets you go.*

"Sit down. And don't even think about touching anything. If you do, you're done for."

*You sat down on the couch leaning back, it was comforting, soothing. Nothing you've felt before. He walked back in and you noticed he wasn't wearing shoes, you look back up at him and he hands you spare clothing. You grab it and accidentally touch his hand, he jumps and glitches out a little.*


*You flinch a little and he held his hand with his other hand looking at you. (More like glaring.) He sits on the other side of the couch staring at you. You lay the clothing next to you and sit once more staring back. Like a staring contest. Eventually he starts doing something else and you get up trying to find a bathroom to change. You find one after searching what seemed like FOREVER and you changed. it was just old hand-me-down clothing, which wasn't new since that's what it was like back at "home". You walked back out to see that the skelestring guy was dead asleep on the couch. You decided to see if you could touch him while he was asleep.*


*He didn't respond. Not even a glitch. You grabbed his hand and examined it. 'pretty markings..' you thought to yourself. You end up laying on the floor while holding his hand and fell asleep into deep nothingness.*

**In your dream.**

*You wake up in your mothers house. You seem to be unable to move, you look around and you see a man with your mother. He looked happy, he surely wasn't your step-dad. 'My beautiful baby..' The strange man spoke, my mother looked at him and pecked him on the cheek. 'Its too bad I wont be here to see y/n grow up.' my mother embraced him. 'Are you sure you have to go..?' tears shed from her eyes and he nodded sadly. Looking back at me and caressing my head.*


*You wake up on the floor still holding his hand, except.. He's awake? He seems like he's enjoying your company. You turn over on your stomach and let go of his hand. He looked down at you, you suddenly felt strings pick you up setting you on the couch. You feel a hand touch you, petting your head gently. It suddenly stopped and they walked away. You turn over and pretended to yawn waking up a little over 10 minutes later. The skeleton was sat on the couch knitting with his strings.*

"Oh. Look who's awake."

*He rolled his eyes and you frowned at him. Then you looked around*

"How did I get up here? And why am I up here?"

*The skeletons eyes widened and looked back at his knitting avoiding contact. After a while you grabbed a snack and sat back on the couch watching him.*

"So uh. I never got your name skelestring."

*You said sitting back on the couch smirking at him, he looked at you dead faced and opened his jaw.*

"Error. Error sans."

*He let out a heavy sigh and continued knitting*

"I'm Y/N! Nice name 'error', Where am I?"

"You're in the anti-void."


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