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been about three and a half days
of staring blankly at the shadows
lurking on the cream walls ─
waiting for a something you'd
fail to frame with alphabets;
flipping through the pages of a book not written yet read
way too many times.
you're etched in my heart ─
the same way my initials are
on the tiny limestone i picked
up at the shore yesterday.
my eyes drift over to where
the sky met the ocean,
blue kissing blue ─ the sun blushed pink ─  and in several other hues
that would work when tylenols failed.
at least, i hoped so.
and i hoped a little more.
until the curtains swayed
in the sea breeze.
until insomnia came to gulp me
down like a whale,
once again as i reached for
a void between the sheets.
until "hope" burnt me down
like a brush fire
and buried me in glittery ashes of you.


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