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"That's them!" Bram said  "That camper van!"

Mori looked and saw what resembled more to be a house with wheels than a camper van that he was personally familiar with but looks cool anyway

Bram walked over to the middle of the road to greet them. At this point Akira, and Chiyo Morinozuka had gotten out to greet the people who are still their guest

"Oh my get out there!" Chiyo Morinozuka gasped as Bram waved at the van


The camper van stopped but it still hit Bram and sent him flying a few feet away as he landed on his back

"AAAHHH!!" Chiyo yelled but Akira just hugs his wife

"He's perfectly fine don't worry" Akira said "...You'll get used to it"

"Ah what a warm welcome. A scream already~" Hisa Addams, mother of Vermin, Vesper, and Bram walked out of the camper van "We saw you at the road Bram. Did you like that?"

Bram jumped back up totally fine "Yes mother!"

Hisa Addams has a black pixie hair cut and brown eyes that none of her children had inherited because the Addams genes are very strong. Hisa wore a long black dress but she doesn't seem to have any problem with it. She also has a white fur around her shoulder

"My children" Hisa walked over to Vermin and Vesper as Bram ran from where he was. Hisa hugged the three of them and kissed each of their cheeks "We have missed you all very much. We have brought souvenirs for all of you and I am quite pleased to see the three of you again"

"How was the trip Mother?" Vermin asked

"Our trip was well"

"Mother look! Their house resembles ours!" Bram pointed out as they also have a traditional Japanese home... But the color and interior is different

"Indeed it does" Hisa looked at Vesper "Child... Is he the one?"

Vesper smiled "I have longed for you to meet him mother. My love. My Memento Mori"

Hisa let's go of her children and walked over to Mori who bowed to her "Oh please no need for that"

Mori stood up properly

Hisa pulled Mori into a hug "Call me mother, make yourself familiar, my daughter loves you is all that matters to me. Welcome to our family. Welcome to the Addams clan"

"Thank you... mother" Mori smiled. Hisa is also quiet soft spoken like Vesper and Vermin. Hisa is also very sweet and welcoming to him. The hug was also very gentle which is similar to Vesper

Chiyo approached them after her shock from Bram faded "U-uhm... About that topic-"

"My children!" Pubert Addams walked out the driver's seat. He wore a black striped suit that he got from his father, he also has a black moustache, and he also has dark eyes similar to all of his children's eyes

"Father!" Bram ran up to him

Pubert picked Bram up "My youngest! Look how big you've gotten!"

Bram dangled as Pubert held him by his feet "Yey!"

Pubert walked over to Vermin and Vesper "My pair of twins. My son, Vesper sends me texts on your gang"

"She has helped recommend some people to me. It increased our population but not enough" Vermin said "I'll go search for more too"

"Wonderful my boy!" Pubert set Bram down as he patted Vermin's back then turned to Vesper "...My only daughter.. you are already to be wedded?"

Vesper smiled and again gestured to Mori "Meet my love"

Mori was going to bow again but Pubert hugged him before he could even do it. Pubert's hug was more rough as he also patted hard on his back. Mori noticed that Pubert is also on the louder side like his son Bram

"Welcome to our family!" Pubert said "My daughter speaks highly of you on the phone when we talk! What is your name boy?"

"Takashi" Mori said

"Takashi! I hope you the best of future with my daughter!" Pubert said "I will even gift you matching coffins to use at your funerals when you die"

Mori smiled "..Thank you sir-"

"Sir?! Not sir! No! Call me father!" Pubert said

"..Yes father"

"Pubert Addams" Akira approached him

"Ah Akira Morinozuka! I remember you! We met a while back! Who would have realized the next time we meet was when our children would be wedded?" Pubert patted Akira's back

"Ah actually Pubert.. my wife.." Akira was a little entertained by Pubert and actually like him but can't forget his wife ".....They're not going to be officially engaged"

"Oh not yet? Is it being rescheduled?" Pubert asked


"No!" Chiyo said "...I am really worried for my son's health.. I do not wish for him to be engaged to Vesper"

Akira looked at Pubert but he was calm. Pubert was looking at Vesper

"It does not matter to us" Vesper said

"The engagement is off but that doesn't mean I would stop dating Vesper. We can take the long route" Mori said

"Takashi" Chiyo frowned

"Then it's ok" Pubert said "My daughter is what matters here since she's the one in the relationship. She says it's fine then it's ok"

"Our daughter is happy" Hisa said as she hugs Pubert

"Indeed she is!" Pubert said "If she wasn't I would probably had to use the electric chair again huh?"

"Oh dear we now have those gadgets that you can carry around and still shock you remember?" Hisa asked

"Oh but I really liked the electric chair" Pubert said

Vermin frowned a bit at Chiyo Morinozuka. He didn't like that she kept stressing Vesper but he isn't going to do anything Vesper would hate "...Oh wait"

"Vermin?" Mori asked as Vermin stood close to him

"...Takashi.. I want to tell you something" Vermin grabbed Takashi

"Tell me too" Bram sneaked in the middle of them

"What about me?" Vesper leaned in but Vermin just punched her away

"Boys only" Vermin said as he walked over and pulled Akira too. Vermin didn't worry much about his father, Pubert was busy flirting with their mother

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