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"A weak punch but it's ok" Vesper said as Haruhi had punched the twins and when she told they that she won't invite them if they keep fighting. The twins smirked and cheered

"You knew about this?" Haruhi asked

"We had to tell Vesper in case she suddenly joined in" Hikaru said

"We were so relieved when Vesper really just let us do whatever and didn't interrupt till now" Kaoru sighed

"Haruhi. If you're going to throw a punch do it like this" Vesper went to throw a punch at Hikaru

"Vesper!" Honey pushed Hikaru away. He was already sensing what she was going for so he quickly went to her. Mori was right by him too

"Maybe this is a side effect because we always confiscate her weapons" Tamaki said

"Shouldn't it be when she drinks poison?" Kyoya asked

"Forgot about that" Tamaki sighed "At this point I think putting a literal leash on her would be the safest option"

"She's not a dog" Haruhi said

"We can put a tracking device to start with so we always know where she is when she disappears" Kaoru said

Honey looked at Vesper while the others were openly discussing this "...Are you not angry?"

"Oh I remember when I was young and my grandfather would put me in a cage" Vesper smiled "There's also this fun time when my uncle Pugsley set a net trap for me and I was stuck up a tree for a whole day. Ah the memories"

"Those are your fun memories?" Mori asked

"There's also this time when my Uncle Lucas shot an arrow throw me and I fell in a hole that Aunt Wednesday dug up. I had just arrived at their home that time. It was such a warm welcome" Vesper said

"Vesper here. A tracking device" Kyoya handed Vesper a tracking device "Let's just settle with this for now"

"It's supposed to be a secret. Why give it to her?" Haruhi asked

"I'm pretty sure she'll know about it. No use on it being a secret" Kyoya said

"Vesper don't be naughty" Mori said

"I don't mind being tracked" Vesper placed it in her pocket

(Next day)

"Where is Vesper?" The twins asked Kyoya

"She's being scolded by the teacher for kicking her desk after the teacher just shooed away some birds from the window. Apparently Vesper was luring them in to paly with her and she got angry when the teacher did that" Kyoya said then took a look at his phone "....It seems she's at the principal's office now.. The argument might have gotten worse"

"We should really train Vesper well" Tamaki said

"Vesper's getting better. I'm letting her spar with more people in our dojo in the condition that she doesn't break any bones. She's been letting off a lot of steam that way" Mori said

"She's also hanging out with our family sometimes. Training on weapons. As long as she doesn't point or attack it to anyone living then it's fine" Honey said

"So that must be why the weapons we've confiscated have been decreasing" Haruhi said

(Time skip)

Kyoya looked at his phone and sees Vesper nearing the host club. It sure took her a while at the principal's office

"Hmm... Mori senpai" Kyoya looked at Mori who stood near him "...How is Vesper around children?"

Mori looked as they currently have a child here. He's name is Shiro and apparently he wants to be Tamaki's apprentice but he's been very naughty so Tamaki and the twins have detained him in a big cage

"Actually... Vesper seems to like children.. she has a soft spot" Mori said

"....I'm not sure whether that means this will end well" Kyoya said as the door opened


Vesper stood by the entrance and look as an elementary kid is inside a big cage

"Hey Vesper" The twins said

Vesper walked past the twins and walked over to the cage "Hey little boy. Tell me who put you there"

"...Him!" Shiro pointed at Tamaki "I just wanted to be an apprentice! I really wanted to learn! They're punishing me just because they don't think I'm serious!"

"How disappointing of them" Vesper pulled two bars apart so Shiro can exit "Here you can go"

"...Thank you" Shiro got out and stood there. He wants to go away now but he's also curious on what Vesper would do. He was a bit annoying to the rest but can't help but be behave with Vesper, she just feels off

"Oh Tamaki" Vesper walked over to Tamaki who was now hiding behind everyone else "Explain"

"Oh come on! I wasn't even worried because I thought you like this sort of stuff!" Tamaki said. Putting Shiro in the cage was more of a prank, he wasn't worried about Vesper having a misunderstanding when she entered because he knows she likes this sort of thing but it seems not

"Me? Yes I do" Vesper said "However me and my family quiet enjoy it. I can clearly tell this child had never been caged before, I quiet prefer the little critters attacking instead of cowering. At this stage of their life we should teach them not to be afraid and fight. Right now you're making this child more scared"

"...Why is she kinda making a bit of sense?" Hikaru asked

"...I don't know" Kaoru said

"I have an idea! How about I talk to Shiro?!" Renge popped out of somewhere

"Shut your mouth and crawl back to that hiding place of yours" Vesper glared at Renge

"..." Renge turned around

"Listen child" Vesper turned to Shiro "You were about to break down earlier... Have more will to fight little boy, you should also train, once your in that cage plan ahead your strategies for revenge not whine around, that will get you nowhere"

"..O-oh.." Shiro nodded

"Act like you whine a lot or act like you're depressed but you can think of a plan while doing it. I'm not very good at planning myself as I just go to the attack but I have the strength for that and you don't" Vesper said

"Vesper. You're being a bad influence again" Mori sighed

"This happened before?" Haruhi asked

"...Yes" Mori said

"Is there someone you want to impress by being a host?" Vesper asked

Shiro nodded

"Your age?" Vesper asked

Shiro nodded

"We have different types here because not all ladies are the same. What does that girl or boy like?"

"...It's a girl.. and uh.. pianos" Shiro said

"Piano? I'm good at playing the piano! You should've said so earlier!" Tamaki said

Vesper held Tamaki's shoulder as he flinched "Will you make it up to him? Tamaki?"

Tamaki looked back as Vesper stared deep into his soul "Y-yes! Sorry!"

"Not me" Vesper crossed her arms

"S-sorry!" Tamaki looked back at Shiro

Kyoya stood next to Vesper "Mori senpai was right. You have a soft spot on children"

"Children here develop a bit late. My younger brother is the same age as him but my brother is already brave enough to handle being beaten up. If you beat up a child like that they become like lifeless dolls in the long run" Vesper said "Everyone in my family enjoys it and likes it even when they're younger than that but children here are different"

Mori sighed and patted Vesper's head "You're being a bad influence again but you were kind to the kid"

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