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"Tamaki" A guy with black hair and glasses said

"Yeah?" Tamaki turned to look at him. Tamaki has blond hair "Yeah what is it Kyoya?"

Kyoya looked back at his notebook "I heard that there will be a transfer student in our class"

"You mean the scholar?" Tamaki asked since they heard of a commoner scholar in the school

"No that is in Hikaru and Kaoru's class" Kyoya said "I'm not quiet sure if they will really transfer in our class or just our year. But I did hear that it is a person from the Addams family. Have you heard of them Tamaki?"

"I'm not familiar" Tamaki said

"A member of the Addams family had married to a wealthy japanese woman. I heard they had 2 or 3 children. I am unsure which child is the one transferring but you should keep your distance. You might not like them" Kyoya said "Don't get me wrong. I hear some of the can be quite friendly but the Addams family has been known to have weird traditions"

"How so? I'm sure it's not that weird"

"Like digging up coffins to... Wake the dead or some sort" Kyoya said "I heard that it was a game"


"I have not interacted with them myself so it's hard to really tell their attitudes based on rumors. However I also became quiet intrigued about their activities... It seems they have quiet a dark and macabre style of living" Kyoya said

Tamaki shivered "A person like that is going to transfer here? So they'll be like a person from the black magic club?!"

"Those are only rumors and ...what other people have said" Kyoya said "We haven't met them ourselves"

"Hey guys" Hikaru and Kaoru, the twins entered the host club

"Hey I think we saw that girl from the Addams family" Hikaru said while closing the door behind him

"Oh it was a girl? Then it must be the 2nd child, Vesper Addams" Kyoya said

"Her name is Vesper?" Kaoru asked


Hikaru looked at the door that creaked open "Oh sorry. I thought we closed it properly"

Hikaru walked over to the door and held the handle to close it, but before actually closing it he decided to look out to see if maybe someone was going to enter

Hikaru looked out to see a woman staring at him. He almost flinched but remained calm ".......Hello?"

The woman had black hair, her bangs were slightly covering her eyes but majority of it could still be seen since Hikaru can clearly see her staring at him. The woman did not wore the school uniform, instead she wore a long black sleeves buttoned up shirt, it went past her hand but she doesn't bother rolling it up so the rest of the sleeve just dangles. And she wore a black skirt that reached to her knees. As for her shoes it was black flats

"Hello? Uhm.... Are you lost?"

"Yes. I am looking for the powder room" The woman said. She was quiet soft spoke. She has a quiet and gentle voice

"Oh uh.. just go straight and take a right..." Hikaru pointed it out "It has a very obvious sign and door. I doubt you'll miss it. A pink and gold sign"

"...I see" The woman bowed

"Ah yeah... No prob" Hikaru said as he closed the door. He turned back to the host club "Guys! It was her! That girl that was just here! That was Vesper Addams"

"Really? So how was she?" Tamaki asked

"Well... Besides the long stare... She just asked for the powder room so I didn't really talk to her much but she's quiet soft spoken" Hikaru said

*Knock knock*

Hikaru opened the door again and there stood Vesper right at the spot she was earlier "Uh yes? Anything else?"

"Is this a club?" Vesper looked over the gap to see inside "I am actually also looking for the host club"

"Oh yeah. This is the host club" Hikaru said

Vesper pulled out a letter from her pocket and gave it to Hikaru "This is from Hisa Addams. My mother... She asked me to give this to you guys"

"This? Why?" Hikaru asked

"....Oh... Has the principal not talked to you yet?" Vesper asked


"I see" Vesper blinked and looked away. Ending the very long stare "I'll come back. Maybe tomorrow instead.. or later...... Keep the letter"

"O-ok" Hikaru watched as Vesper walked away very silently. He couldn't even hear a footstep. Hikaru just closed the door and turned back to the host club "Hey guys it's that Vesper girl again and she gave me a letter from her mother apparently addressed to us. When I asked her why she just asked me if the principal talked to us"

"Boss do you know anything?" Kaoru asked

"Huh? No. I don't know anything about her. My father hasn't even talked to me this day. He went to work way earlier than when I even woke up" Tamaki said

"Host club. Please come to the office"

They heard the speaker say announce that. Kyoya sighed "I guess we will find out. Hikaru hold on to the letter. That's probably to be opened after the principal talks to us"

"Ok" Hikaru said

"The letter seems to smell like ash though" Kaoru said as he smelled the letter which was a bit gray

"Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai haven't even arrived yet. Won't they be surprised?" Tamaki asked

"They'll probably be fine" Kaoru said

"They had something to do in their class so they're running late. But the principal will probably explain to everyone anyways" Kyoya said

An Addams in OuranOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora