The Bull

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"God I think I'm about to throw up," I said, breathing heavily.

"Oh my god your so dramatic," Ashley said, rolling her eyes.

"No I'm not," I scoffed.

"Are to."

"Am not"

"Are to"

"How old are you guys again? 3 or 23?," Mason snapped.

"She started it," I accused, pointing at Ashley.

"No way, you did," she scoffed.

"Shut the hell up," Reid snapped.

"For once in my life, I agree with Reid. Mercy calm down, your going to be fine. All you have to do is beat the hell out of her then, boom. Your famous," Milo shrugged.

"Don't listen to that idiot. Believe in yourself Mercy, we all know you can do it," Teagen said.

"Who are you calling an idiot," Milo gasped.

"You, duh," Teagen said rolling her eyes.

"You say the sweetest things to me baby," Milo grinned, blowing her a kiss.

"This is televised though, this entire thing was a bad idea. Axton already knows we're in New York. Hell, he knows where we live. This is a direct signal to our location," I sputtered.

"That's the point C. We're leading him right where we want him," Delia smirked.


"Whose ready to watch The bull kick some python butt," the announcer cheered.

"Are you shitting me," I grumbled.

"It's just because they haven't seen you fight yet," Ashley reassured.

"This is your thing Mercy. You trained for a decade. Prove it," Mason said before helping me onto the ring.

"You ready?" The burly girl sneered.

"For what?" I asked, playing innocent.

"To lose," she smirked before launching herself at me.

I causally stepped out of the way, sending her flying into the borders of the ring.

"Your going to pay for that," she growled before diving for my legs.

I kicked my foot out, kicking her back by her forehead.

I heard oohs from the crowd and snickers from Ashley.

She laid there rolling around, cradling her face and I casually paced around the ring, waiting for her to get up.

"You bitch," she panted before swinging at me which I swiftly blocked, and slammed my other fist into her stomach.

I turned my back, bored of the match. Clearly she was not a threat after all.

"Border hopper, where's your green card? Hm?" She huffed out.

It was pretty obvious that I was Hispanic, with my tan skin and my dark hair, even my features showed some Hispanic heritage.

I spun around and decked her straight in the nose.

"Say that again. I fucking dare you," I hissed, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her head forward so she could hear me loud and clear.

"Who got deported hm? Mommy or Daddy?" she breathed out, a pained smirk on her face.

"Your going to wish it was me," I grinned before hooking my leg around the back of hers, taking her to the ground.

I straddled her and sent a round of punches to her face, so forcefully she couldn't block any blows.

"How does it feel? To be beaten by an immigrant? Hm?" I spat, send one final blow to her temple, knocking her out.

I heard the ding of the bell, and I gave her one finish shove before climbing off her body.

The crowd was silent when I climbed out of the ring, and Mars silently handed me a towel to wipe the blood of my knuckles.

"That looked pretty fucking personal," Ashley said, breaking the silence.

"What'd she say?" Mason asked, his jaw clenched.

"Called me a border hopper and asked where my green card was," I shrugged.

"That bitch," Ashley snarled stalking forward, but me and Milo restrained her.

"What the hell is wrong with people these days, first Milo and Teagen at the store and now you. This racism bullshit is enough," Ashley scoffed angrily.

"Your not going to stop racism by knocking her lights out," Delia pointed out.

"Maybe not, but I'm sure as hell going to enjoy doing it," she defended.

"Down girl," Milo teased.

"Be quiet you air-head," Ashley smiled, shoving Milo's shoulder.

He grinned back and they just stared at each other a moment before they burst out laughing.

I peaked at Teagen who had her arms folded, but I could see her hands squeezed in fists, and a slight tic in her jaw.


"Who is this python , and where did she come from!" The announcers commented.

"Hell and back baby," Ashley whistled.

"You are too much," Reid sighed.

"We should check up with Antonia," I commented.

Mars quickly nodded and dialed her, I knew she was just as anxious as I was to make sure the babies were safe.

"Your all good?" Mars asked, chewing on her nails.

"Has Iverson been fussy at all? Getting sick? Crying a lot?" She rambled, walking away from us.

"Who knew that our little Mars would be such a good mommy," Milo said shaking his head in amusement.

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