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"Kody, Mercy is going to be gone for three days, can you take over some of her classes?" Teagan called from the backroom.

Me and Kody were stretching in the ring silently.

He thankfully hadn't brought up what we talked about two nights ago.

"Oh? Where are you going?" He turned and asked me.

"Just visiting some relatives in Texas," I shrugged.

"A grandma or cousin?" he teased.

"A little family reunion, if you will," I said, my voice trailing off.

He looked at me funny.

"What?" I asked, my eye brows scrunched up.

The flimsy bell, rang and the door was pushed open quickly.

Mason hurried in rounding the corner to find me.

"Mercy we have to leave tonight," he hissed.

My eyes widened at his urgency.

I hopped up from my spot on the mat and made my way toward him.

"Mercy. Whose this?" Kody said, rising to his full height.

"This is my..cousin..Matt," I smiled awkwardly.

Mason waved his uncomfortably.

"Let's go, you can help me pack," I said quietly to Mason and we sped walk out of the dojo.

"What's happened," I asked quietly while we sped to the parking lot.

"I got a hold of Reid, he said one of his spy's informed him that Axton is planning something big," he whispered.

In a world like ours, there are ears all over the place.


"Shit can I run inside and grab Bia's pacifier really quick?" I asked Mason, unbuckling my seatbelt in the passengers seat.

"Hurry up, we can't miss this flight Mercy," he warned.

I nodded and dashed inside.

"Shit where is it!" I cussed, checking under the kitchen table.

"I miss you," an animated voice said from the counter.

I spun around to see a pink stuffed bear sitting on the counter that I can't remember putting there.

"I'm going to find you Mercy," the toy giggles.

My stomach drops and I bolt back out of the house.

I jump in the car and slam the door, not even bothering to get the pacifier.

"Drive Mason," I yelled.

"What's going on-"


His foot slammed down on the gas and the car went flying forward down to street.

"I think he found me," I hyperventilated.

"Not possible," Mason said, shaking his head.

"Mason he left a talking bear on my counter which was programmed to say 'I'm going to find you Mercy.' Who else would possibly leave that for me," I snapped.

"You need to calm down-"

"What if he knows about the meeting in Paris?" I asked.

"It's impossible. There was no personal communication between all ten of us. Nobody but all of us know about the meeting. It's impossible," he dismissed.

I let out a shuttering breath and shut my eyes.

Ten years ago

"We're going to go down the line and say our names, Ok!" The man chirped happily.

I sucked in a deep breath and stepped forward.

"I'm Mercy," I said, with a trembling voice.

The man stared at me blankly.

"Try again. You belong here just as much as everyone else. So say it like you mean it," he said.

"I'm Mercy," I said a little braver, then I stepped back in line.

"I'm Delia," the short brunette said from beside me, she had the most delicate structure and features.

"I'm Mason," the boy next to her said.

The man looked to all of us in approval as we all
kept introducing ourselves.










The man looked at us, his gaze sweeping down the line.

"You all will address me as Sir. Nothing else. And we have many rules you must specifically follow. 1. No questions. 2. You will succeed and be attentive in your classes. 3 You Will Not Fail,"

He said, putting emphasis on the last rule. I could practically hear the heartbeats of the others.

"Now off you go, my men will show you to your quarters," Sir dismissed us.

"Follow me," one of the burly men by the entrance ordered.

We all followed him in a single file line, scared of what would happen if we didn't comply.

We were all ushered into a small crowded room with 6 sets of bunk beds.

"You may divvy up the beds amongst  yourselves and change into the uniforms sitting on the selves again the walls. Boys training outfits are to the right. Girls are on the left. You have 10 minutes to change and get situated. Time starts now," the man said, leaving the room.

"Ok what the hell is going on," one of the girls breathed.

"Are any of your birthdays today?" I asked, connecting the dots.

Everyone slowly nodded. Their eyes widening in panic.

"And we all turned 13...oh my god," a girl said, covering her mouth in horror.

"Guys we need to change," one of the guys said, rushing forward to grab some training clothes.

We all grabbed a pair, and began dressing.

"We can divvy up sleeping arrangements later,
For now we need to do everything he tells us," I said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

I woke up from my dream in a panic.

"You still get dreams too?" Mason asked from beside me.

"All the time. Even when I'm wide awake," I whispered.

His fists clenched on the steering wheel.

"He's dead now Mason. There's nothing we can do anymore, I said with heavy eyes. We need to end The Silo, and Axton," he growled.

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