Kung fu panda

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"What do you even know about fighting?", I scoffed.

"Enough", he shrugged.

I didn't have a choice at this point Teagen had officially left him in charge and I sure as hell didn't have the time to take her kids on, so I guess this has to work.

I just scowled and stalked off in another direction.

About an hour later I was pleasantly surprised when I hadn't seen anything go wrong with Kody and the kids.

I heard giggles every now and then, but I assumed the kids were just laughing when he fell of his ass and embarrassed himself.

To be fair, I would have laughed to.

The yuh g girl punched the bag once, twice, and let out a grunt at the final blow.

I called it the pyramid.

Alternating hands, you punch up once, to the right once, and to the left once.

"Ok kid you earned a water break", I chuckled ruffling her hair.

A loud thump came from the ring.

I dashed forward, praying that Kody hadn't gotten any of the kids hurt.

"Ohh", a male voice groaned out.

My eyebrows scrunched as I took in the sight of Kody laying flat on his back in the ring.

Three kids jumped on top of him.

"Woah, look how strong you all are. Takin' a grown man down and everything", he chuckled.

I just noticed the southern twang in his voice.


They all giggled and held on tightly as he began to stand up, the children still dangling off him.

I snorted.

He eyes flashed towards me and for a second I couldn't breathe

His eyes had so much passion for these kids, it pulled at something in my chest.

His eyes caught in mine and I saw a flash of something pass by.

But it was long gone before I could figure out what it was.

His eyes turned to stone as he looked at me, Abd a chill ran down my spine as he turned back around to face the kids.

My lips straightened into a thin line, as I spun back around to finish my lesson with the young girl.

By the end of the day I was wiped.

Today is when we both the more experienced kids.

The worst and best day of the week.

I peaked over the side of Bia's play pen.

She was sleeping.

There was one less thing to worry about.

A cold sweat went down my back.

It had been so busy today that I had completely forgotten that Kody had been here.

My gut stilled, and I turned around.

I peaked through the door of the back room and saw Kody wiping off the ring floor.

My eyes narrowed.

I needed to find out what he was playing at.

As if he could sense my gaze his eyes snapped to meet mine.

They narrowed to match mine.

The jungle of the door rang, as Teagen in all her glory waltzed in several hours later.

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