The Red District

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Writing this in school again bruh 🙈

"Move," Reid hissed, running to the plane bathroom looking green.

That was his forth bathroom in the past 20 minutes.

"Oh this is too good," Ashley grinned.

"I think the little baby Reid is plane sick," Mars snickered when he came back.

"You guys are so evil," he groaned, slumping back in his seat.

"Says the bodyguard," I snorted.

"Private security," he huffed.

"Potato potato," I shrugged.

"Got any hot friends?" Milo smirked.

"I do but if you go anywhere near her I'll break your neck so fast," I snarled.

He raised his hands in surrender.

"Damnit," Mason hissed.

"Shut up I'm trying to sleep," Mitch snapped.

"Awww is the little Princess sleep deprived?" Mars pouted.

I was sitting in an aisle seat, Delia in the window, leaving the middle seat open.

Across from me was Mars sitting in the aisle seat, Ashley in middle, and Antonia at the window.

In the row in front of me was Mason, Milo, and Reid.

Which left Mitch and Cora in their own row.

"Shut up you asshole," Mitch scoffed.

"Both of you shut up," Cora snapped.

"I'm living for this family reunion," Ashley grinned.

"Yeah well I wish it could have been in better circumstances," Delia added.

I sighed, and pulled Bia closer to my chest.

"Eight hours to go," Antonia sighed.

Mason groaned, and Delia kicked his seat.

"I think Mitch should be pushed out of the plane," Cora says plainly.

"We're fucking married," he gaped.

"Life insurance money," she shrugged.

"Cora has now redeemed herself and is back in my good graces," Ashley said.

The plane bumped a little bit and Reid let out a curse.

Mars snickered and Reid shot her a death glare.

"I don't understand how this motherfucker is knocked out," Mason said, referring to Milo, who was indeed passed out.

"Be quiet Reid because of Iverson wakes up because of you. Turbulence won't be your only problem," Mars warned, smoothing her babies hair.

"Jesus," Reid muttered, his knuckles turned white from gripping the arm rests.

I shook my head with a small smile.


"Nice place," Ashley whistled, closing the door behind her.

"Yeah thank god that Mason only ruined the outside," I snorted.

He cringed, and Delia smacked him on the head.

"It's not my fault, someone told me that Axton might have been hiding out here," he said.

I side eyed him suspiciously.

"What ever, girls are all sleeping in the master and one of the guest rooms, boys get the other. Get yourselves situated, I have to check on the dojo," I said, grabbing the keys to my car.

We had rented two Escalades considering the amount of people we had.

"I wanna come," Ashley whined.

"Me too," Milo said from the couch.

"Me three," Reid said, raising his hand.

"Me fourth," Mars whined.

"Me, Delia, Antonia, Cora, and Mitch will stay here for now. But we better get to go later," Mason said with narrowed eyes.

I nodded and my group followed me out the door to one of the cars.


"This is sick," Reid whistled as I pulled open the door to The Red District.

"Yeah I know, so if you break anything I'm going to break you." I said, holding the door open.

"Mer your back," Teagen pulled me into a tight hug.

We had left Bia and Iverson at home with the rest of them.

"I brought," I said through gritted teeth.

Teagen looked at them all with wide eyes.

"That's Milo, the Asian American one with tattoos Next to him is Reid, the one who looks like he wants to punch a wall and has the full tattoo sleeves, In front of him is Mars, with the nose ring, and finally, next to her is Ashley, the ginger," I huffed, out of breath.

"Is being a ginger seriously my only personality trait," Ashley grumbled.

I grinned, it felt nice to be with them again. My family.

"I'm Teagen," she introduced herself, still scanning them.

"You done looking at us like that?"Milo said gruffly.

"You done checking me out?" Teagen said with her hands on her hips and an arched eyebrow.

"Nope," he grinned.

"Kody should be getting here soon," she said, grabbing a towel from the laundry basket and placing it back on the rack for someone to use later.

"Kody Montana works here?" Milo gaped.

"Who...?" Teagen asked.

"Ok so basically, Kody lied about who he really is. His name is not Kody Julian. He dyed his hair darker and worked out more. I guess that's why we never recognized him," I shrugged.

"Recognized him...?" Teagen asked, still confused.

I pulled out my phone and started to search his name.

"Holy fuck," she gasped as I showed some of his boxing matches.

"Told you. This guy is a beast," Milo scoffed.

"Who is?" A groggy voice asked, the flimsy bell ringing behind.

"You bro," Reid said, knocking Milo's shoulder as Kody turned the corner.

He scrunched his eyes brows together in confusion at the scene, and turned to me.

"Hello Kody Montana," I teased.

He paled a bit, his eyes wide before eyeing the boys who basically had their jaws on the floor.

"Who are they," he asked, his eyes narrowed and his eyes darkened.

"Milo and Reid. Just ignore them, just throw them a tennis ball or a stick and they'll go away," I smirked.

Milo narrowed his eyes and stalked towards me, and my grin only grew, but a thick arm flew out halting Milo.

Kody had his hand on Milo's shoulder and pushed him back to where he was standing.

"Wow hot and protective," Ashley said, playfully fanning herself.

"Let me guess. Your family?" Kody asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Something like that," I smiled a genuine smile.

Kody walked towards me in large steps, and he stopped when his full height blocked me from everyone else's sight.

"You and me are going to have a talk later," he breathed into my ear.

I shivered at him words and at his proximity.

"I'm counting on it Montana."

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