Milo pierces his ears

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"This is sick," Milo whistled as we stepped into our new house.

"Do I even want to know where you got the money for this house," Mason cringed, looking at Antonia.

"Is it so hard to believe that I actually have money saved up?" She asked, frowning.

"Piss off Mason, leave the girl alone," I said, bouncing Bia in my arms.

"So how is this living situation working?" Mars asked, hugging Iverson to her shoulder.

"We all have our own rooms," Antonia shrugged as if it was the most normal thing in the entire world.

"You mean this place has nine bedrooms," Milo gawked.

"Ten actually," she sighed, heading for the stairs.

Milo's jaw fell open, and we all followed her up the stairs.

"There's also a training gym in the underground level," she called out.

Training gym.

It's been a while since I've been in a training gym.

It wasn't like a typical gym, it was meant for assassins and killers. Monsters like us.

"Hey Ash you wanna take Bia for a bit while I check out this training gym," I said, turning to face her.

Her eyes went wide.

"Me? Your trusting me with a human life?",she asked, horrified.

"I trust you," I shrugged, handing her over and Ashley reluctantly held her to her chest.

"My god, hell really did freeze over," Mason murmured.

"There's should be an elevator around the corner to the left, just let it scan your finger print and it'll take you to the trading gym. I installed it so nobody but us could get in," she yelled from upstairs.

"I swear to god she must have super powers or something," Milo said, shaking his head.

"I heard that," she yelled.

Everyone's voices got quieter and quieter as I walked away following Antonia's directions.

I never really liked elevators, maybe it came from my claustrophobia.

Ten years ago-

"Did I or did I not tell you to use the 50 pound weight number one?" The guard asked.

I blanched as he got in my face.

"You did sir," I mumbled.

"Then why do I see a 30? Are you blind? Are you dyslexic? No. Your not. Come with me," he said, grabbing my arm, causing me to drop the weight.

"Where are you taking me," I panicked.

"This is your punishment for disobedience," he snarled, opening a large heavy met door.

"What is-" I was cut off when I was pushed forward into a cold dark room.

"This is confinement. You'll come out in two days. Maybe think about what you did," he snarled before pulling the heavy door closed behind him.

I jumped up and tried to pull the door open, but it wouldn't even budge.

"Let me out please, I'll be good," I said, a lump forming in my throat.

"Please." I cried, tears sliding down my face.

"I'll be good I promise," I sobbed, pounding on the door.

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