Traitors At Dusk

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*You're in a cage. Trapped. Lost. Hopeless, maybe even doubtful.*

"Hey. Its time for your 'ceremony'"

*You finally look up as one of the other townspeople guards scream in your face. Standing up and looking around, getting one final look at your tiny town that you call home. Now that they knew you were half monster, you couldn't change that.*

"Aww! Look! Little monster is finally looking around! HAHAHA!"

*You hear people yelling and laughing at you as the carriage started moving. You sat back down at the sudden jolt of the wagon moving. Looking up and seeing your mom sitting in tears. You felt bad, she wasn't half monster. Why does she need to be punished too? You sigh heavily, you're going to miss this place, your mother, your friends, family. This only happened once before. With your father, he was never to be seen by you, considering you were only an infant. You think about if you'll see him.*

**Time skip to the hole in the mountain**

"You're gonna love it down there. With all your other "monster" friends."

*The guard turned around and looked at you in sorrow, or maybe.. Grief. He was your step-dad after all. All he wanted for you was to look on the bright side of things. Sure you never liked him that much, but he was family. All you could do was appreciate his effort. Smile, and wave goodbye as they took your arms and went up to the hole with you dangling over it.*

"I'll miss you. Father."

"I'll miss you too y/n. Stay safe."

*They seemed to hesitate and you finally said*

"Are you guys gonna drop me now.? I'd like to find out. Even if I'll miss this place, you guys are doing the right choice. I really am a monster."

*One of the guards nodded at the other and they began to sway me back and forth, and they let go. You felt the air running through your hair. You closed your eyes expecting to just die any second, but you ended up falling asleep..*

FIRST PART FINISHED, I'm having fun with this, sorry if you cried.

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