Chapter 23: Almost

Start from the beginning


You definitely didn't like almost.

"Almost." Loki sighed.

You knew something was wrong.

You had done something wrong.

Well of course you had done something wrong. An inexperienced witch like you should've never even gotten close to a spell like that.

But you had to be the hero. You had to prove yourself and now who knew what had happened. All you knew was that you had never seen Loki so nervous. Or at least you thought that he was nervous. Because apparently you weren't strong enough to even hold on to your powers, so now you didn't even know how your boyfriend was feeling.

Well done Y/n. Well done...

"Y/n!" You suddenly heard Loki shout your name.

"What?" You asked with a lost look on your eyes.

"Will you please calm down? I told you that Frey was going to be fine. And she is." He said and a sigh of relief escaped your lips.

"Then what is it?" You asked.

"Well, I don't know how it happened but..." Loki took a deep breath and then looked you I to the eyes. "During the spell, while Frey was leaving your body I suspect that she...Managed to take some of your magic."


"I promise it is not as bad as it sounds." Loki tried to calm you down.

It was very much too late for that though. You had already started to panick.

"Hey, hey." Loki placed his palms of you arms gently and looked you in the eyes. "There is no reason to worry about. The amount of magic that Frey has inside of the her is nothing compared to what you have."

Was this supposed to make you feel better? Frey still had powers. She could still hurt you. She could still hurt anyone. And it was all your fault.

You could've done the spell right but you failed. You miscalculated, you underestimated her and now you and your family were all in danger. Frey was going to wake up very angry. And if she still had, even the tiniest bit of magic, she was going to make sure she'd use it to hurt you, deeply.

"Y/n, Frey is not going to hurt anyone. First of all she has Tony's handcuffs on." Loki said, desperately trying to calm you down. "Second, there is not a single chance in the world that she is going to wake up and immediately have her powers back. You are so much more powerful and yet you are without a trace of magic."

"You are not really helping darling." Only the thought of being powerless against Frey terrified you.

"Okay listen to me, love." Loki placed his fingers under your chin and lifted your head so you were looking into his eyes. "I need you to trust me when I tell you that everything will be fine. You are now going to get dressed and we will go outside where everyone is waiting for you. You are going to talk and laugh with your family and have a great time."

"And Frey?"

"When Frey wakes up we are going to handle her just fine. You have me and a literal team of super-heros right beside you."

Loki's words really did manage to put a smile on your face. He always had the ability to do that. That was one of the main reasons why you loved him so much.

"Fine." You finally sighed, which made Loki extremely happy.

"I will be waiting for you outside." He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and tried to leave but you held his hand.

"What if....we were a bit late."

Loki slowly turned to you with that smirk on his lips that you loved so much. He came closer to you and took your face in his palms.

You didn't missed a bit and with a quick move you were on your toes while your lips touched his. You couldn't say that that was your first kiss in three years, because it wasn't, but it was definitely different.

Maybe because you both knew it wasn't just a kiss. You knew what was going to follow, and you had both been waiting for it for so long.

Loki didn't waste any seconds either. Once your lips touched it was over for him, he had suddenly let go. He grabbed your waist and pulled you as close to him as possible, untill he realised it couldn't get closer. A small groan left his through and it made you smile into the kiss.

Then his hand travelled up to when you had secured your towel and with a quick move he made it drop to the floor. That didn't bother you. If all it made you feel more free. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder while your fingers were running through his raven hair.

A few moves later you were laying on the bed with Loki on top of you. Somewhere before that his clothes were removed as well. Everything was happening so fast and somehow you wanted them to go even faster.

You simply couldn't wait.

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