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Jasiri chewed her lip. Something was up. Something big. First Ono, then Anga and Beshte and....Janja. Why him? Yes, he was an ex-gang member and a former crook, but he had gone straight. He had stopped drinking and two doing drugs and had been clean for three months. Why would he have been killed? And why the others too? As far as she knew, none of them had any enemies except maybe some footballers and a debate club member. And her. She thought. She shook her head. Her and Rani hating Kion's friends was in the past, they were all on good terms now. Even Kion seemed to forgive Rani for dumping him.  

But what if they had found something out. About Ono's death, or maybe someone else's? But who could have wanted to cover up something like that? One of the lions? Not any of Simba's family except.....Kion. He was a strange lion. Yes, he was friends with mostly good people, her now included, but he could been a bit weird and creepy at times. Especially after Kovu and the others arrest last year. Plus, his obsession with fire and guns, his views about people and government, even his choice of clothing was strange with all its swearing and skulls. No wonder him and his family didn't get along. 

But who could she tell? How about Rani? She was an aspiring cop after all, and her friends, Surak and Nirmala, were actually cops and had been for about two to three years by now. Yes, she could tell Rank about his suspicions and see if the she or one of her friends could get an autopsy done on Janja or one of the others killed. 

She nods, having made up her mind. Jasiri walks over to Rani, who is standing in her long black dress for such occasions. She taps Rani on her shoulder and motions for her to follow. 

"What is it, Jasiri?" Rani asks, confused. Jasiri's eyes dart around before she leans in and mutters "Janja and the others weren't accidentally killed. It was murder." 

Rani's eyebrows shot up. She looks around before whispering. "Are you sure it was murder?" She asks tentatively. Jasiri pauses, then nods.

"Alright," Rani says. "Let's talk to Surak and Nirmala." The two of them nod, and slowly drive over to the police station. A massive building from before almost anything at Pride Rock, it is a source of pride for the city and the finest police officers in the Pridelands come to work here. As they enter, they see Surak and Nirmala standing next to two other officers, both extremly famous in their hometown of Zootopia: Officer Judy Hopps and Officer Nick Wilde.

Jasiri moves forward. "Jasiri," she says. "I'm a friend of the dead animals recently." Nick nods solemnly before extending his hand. Judy does the same as Surak and Nirmala nod and tilt their heads. 

"I would like to tell you something," Jasiri says. "I believe that the animals that died recently were actually murdered, and the prime suspect I believe is Kion, the son of Mayor Simba." The officers looked at each and considered these revelations before nodding. 

"Alright," Judy says. "Really?" asked Jasiri. The two nodded. "We thought Kion might've been part of the assassination attempt on Rani last year, but he was cleared...but..." Then the world explodes. 

Kion laughs outside as he walks away from the massive explosion that rocked the building. No one was escaping that inferno. And all from a little bit of Semtex that he placed on the steps leading up to their grand mahogany and stained glass doors.  He pulls out his earbuds and walks away from the explosion, bobbing his head to X Ambassador's song, aptly named BOOM. 

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