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Ono typed the keywords into his computer. The screen flashed, and bits of 1s and 0s appeared, the binary coding language that every hacker or programmer recognized. Unfortunately for the rich lion Tajiri Mtu, Ono was a hacker. And he was determined to crack this system. Good for him, it was fairly primitive compared to other programs he had broken into. His mic crackled. 

"MindGame." He lifted his wingtip to his ear. "Affirmative?" 

"This is Roar. I need you to get me the cameras for Mtu's manor." 

"Copy that, Roar." He moved his swivel chair over slightly and started typing using his second monitor. He easily broke through the weak firewall the guards had, and pulled up the security camera footage for Mtu's mansion. "What now, Roar?" he asked. 

"I want you to shut them down." Ono nodded, and responded with another affirmative. He typed in a couple of fairly simple commands, and all the screens went black or staticky. All was silent for a couple seconds, then Kion's voice reappeared on the communication line. 

"Fuck, they found me. I gotta take care of this." It was silent for another few moments, then a loud bang sounded. Ono jumped out of his skin. 

"Roar, what was that?" he asked frantically. 

"Don't worry, MindGame. I took them out." Ono gulped and asked a question. "Uh, Kion. Did you, y'know, shoot them?" He knew what Kion would say before he actually said it. 


"Holy shit, Roar," he said, scared out of his wits now. "Why did you do something like that?!" 

"The problem you have, MindGame, is that you have morals. Are you willingly to go all the way with me?" Ono could tell that Kion had been taken off of the communications line. It was just him and Kion now. "Or do I have to remove you?" His friend's voice had gone bone-chillingly cold now. 

He spun around in his chair. "Kion, what-"

He never finished. A loud bang echoed all over the small compartment Ono was inside. A shadowy Kion sat on his haunches up on top of the roof of Ono's van, where had a single window lowered enough for Kion to get his sniper rifle's muzzle to go through.

He pressed a paw to his comm link in his ear. He made his voice sound frantic and scared. "Guys, I think somebody's attacking us. Ono's dead. I just found his body. I left the mission when he started sounding scared and worried, and I ran to his position and found his body." 

"Oh, shit," said Bunga. "What do we do?" 

Kion smirked evilly. "We finish the mission. Or we die." 

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