Target One

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Kion looked around. The building appeared empty. The big windows were dark and no light came from anywhere inside. No shadowy figures moved around in the darkness either. The regular security guards were gone, and the cameras appeared down. Ono had done his job well. No one was there. Kion nodded, and looked back at his team, standing right behind him, waiting for his orders. He dropped his hand in a military gesture for moving forward.  "Okay, go, go, go!" He raced around the corner of the building to the front with Fuli right behind him. Both were dressed in black clothes and wearing masks with the anarchy symbol on them. The masks were Anga's idea. 

Kion smiled at the camera Anga was holding. "Hello, everyone. This is Shadow, the leader of Young Chaos. With me here is Arson, one of my close friends and another Young Chaos. Today, we're going to be showing what happens to rich bitches in this city." 

He gestures to the massive mansion behind him, with its dark brick walls, tall white columns, gold door and window and roof trim, and massive iron wrought gate, spiked on the top with barbed wire and laced through the ground with electrical wires. "This is the home of Mr. Fisadi Douglas. He is the former patron of the Home for Wayward Boys, before the master there was murdered and the children disappeared. It has recently become known to us that Mr. Fisadi was behind both the murder and the disappearance of those children, mostly likely into slavery. But if we know, then that means the authorities know." 

Behind him, Bunga and Beshte come around the corner with two cans of gasoline. Both are wearing the same outfits Kion and Fuli are: black hoodies with long-sleeve black shirts, black pants, black combat boots with black socks, and white masks with a bright blooded anarchy mask that contrasted perfectly with the black and darker clothing they wore. They nod to Kion and he continues. 

"But have they arrested him or even talked to him about it? Nope. Because this city, Pride Rock, is a fucking corrupt and racist place where murderers, slavers, and rapists can get away with their horrible crimes. Well, since no one else is doing anything, we decided to step up and do something." 

He turns to the mansion. "Mr. Fisadi, the Young Chaos finds you guilty and unworthy of life. Therefore, we sentence you to death by burning." He breaks off into maniacal laughter, joined a couple seconds later halfheartedly and more reluctantly, apparently put off by his laughter and  looked slightly unnerved by his more insane cackling. Then he lights a match and slowly walks over to the gasoline around the house.

"As one of my favorite actors, Heath Ledger, once said: Everything burns!" He cackles, and drops the match before backing away. The house goes up in flames. The fire spreads fast, devouring the bottom of the house before breaking inside and flaming through. The smoke alarm sounds, and Kion can see lights turn on in nearby houses. Damn it, he thought. Time to go. But first, I gotta do this. 

Kion pulls his phone, a Blackberry, and opens it up, typing something into his google browser. He turns on his volume all the way up and a song starts to play. 

He smiles. "Time to go, everyone." 

He chuckles. "And remember: The Young Chaos is always watching you." He turns and jumps over the fence, Anga following him with camera as he turns around and gives the camera double one-finger salute with his middle finger before Anga turns off the camera and follows Kion into the tree line of the dark forest. 

They join the rest of the group in running off, before quickly disappearing into the night, absorbed by the shadows and darkness. 

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