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Kion groans and looks around his room. He cracks his neck and other joints as he slowly sits up in bed. His blue walls were covered with his stuff. A bulletin board filled with pictures of him and his friends. He looks at one in particular. A candid shot taken by Vitani or Nuka (he couldn't remember which) of him and Kovu kissing outside the school, not caring if anyone sees them doing it and having fun. On his walls were a poster of the singer City Wolf, signed after he and Fuli went to his concert together last week. His bed was against one window, and he could see out onto the street. The cars were all parked there. His Jeep, his mom's car, his dad's car, and his two siblings', Kiara and Kopa, cars. His alarm clock made a ringing noise and he flinched before he hit its off button, silencing the damn thing mid-ring. 

He slowly climbs out of bed and putters to his closet. He opens the white door, making sure not to knock down the carefully hung signed picture of his favorite singer and rapper, BoyWithUke, as he moves aside the folding door. He reaches inside the black darkness of the closet, and pulls out a shirt with three pentagrams and flames underneath with the words: WALKING HELL. He chuckled softly. His former private school would not appreciate a shirt like this (even if they did use the 'swear word' for many of their fire and brimstone church services and sermons, the damn hypocrites,) and would say it 'negated Christian values.' Well, fuck their stupid rules and fuck their god damn dress code. He didn't need to deal with fucking shit like that anymore. 

He gets dressed, sliding on a pair of jeans and his black steel toed combat boots, lacing them up quickly. He opens the door and walks out. 

His sister, Kiara, is exiting the opposite room. She's dressed in a light green hoodie and skintight navy pants. She nods her greetings to him as the two continue downstairs. 

At the bottom, their older sibling, Kopa, is already there. Decked out a hoodie with the words LIONS OVER ALL, former navy blue dress pants, and a pale greenish teal button down shirt peeking out from underneath the blue hoodie, Kopa symbolizes everything their fucking bigoted family believes in. 

Kion ignores his polite "hello" and only Kiara responds kindly before heading into the kitchen to talk to their mother. Kion follows slowly and warily, knowing this is dangerous territory. Nala is in her long special dark blood red V-neck dress for her meeting with the Anti-Newcomer Council, where they basically instituted new laws blocking immigrants from the nearby poor and totalitarian country the Outlands.   

She nods to Kiara. "Hello, Kiara. Are you ready for school yet?" 

"Yes, mother." Kiara says, nodding her head back at her. "I made my lunch last night." 

"Good girl," Nala smiles. "And what about you, Kion?" 

"Uh, yeah, I did, Mum," he says. "I'm usually pretty good about making my own meals, y'know?" 

Nala looks a bit taken aback but not overly surprised at this display, as she had seen stuff like this from Kion before, most likely from those damn troublemaking friends of his. "Oh, sorry. I just assumed..." 

Kion sighs. He knows his mom cares for him, if not his views or friends or grades or music or clothes or anything fucking else about Kion and his god damn interests. "Sorry, Mum. I just..l'm pretty damn tired, ok?" 

Nala nods sympathetically and looks slightly concerned. "Perhaps if you went to bed earlier like Kiara and Kopa do instead of hanging out with those kids at those horrible concerts and rallies." 

"Mom!" Kion insisted. "Those 'kids' are my friends! And those concerts and rallies are making the world a better place!" 

Kiara snorts. "Like letting in murderers, rapists, and other riffraff? Or saying that is lions shouldn't rule just because our parents were the rulers before us? Mother's right, Kion, you should go to sleep sooner. Then maybe you would forget these silly notions and realize you're hurting the world, not helping it."

Nala nods, looking happily and approvingly at her only daughter. "Exactly, Kiara. It's lovely to see you've been paying attention at our meetings." 

Kiara beams, looking up, always really happy to have her mother's approval and happiness. "Thank you, Mother." 

Kion shakes his head and sighs. "You're wrong and you'll see that one day. If they have to tear down the city to do it, they will." 

He leaves the room and quickly packs up all his stuff into his backpack. He shoves his regular big thick text books and pencils and pens into it, alongside his small packs of cigarettes and a small bottle of alcohol as well, before he ran back down the stairs and returned to the living room. Kopa and Kiara are already ready to go, and are waiting at the bus stop.

"Kion." His mom stops him. "I want you to know, me and the rest of the family do not approve of what you are doing in this city and order you to stop it immediately. If you cannot being one of them, then we will treat you like one of them. Do you understand me?" 

Kion stares at her intently, coldly, unflinchingly. "I do, mom." 

"Good," she smiles and pats his head. "Now go on to the bus or you'll be late." 

Kion nods and suppresses an annoyed eye roll before bending his head and allowing Nala pecks his forehead before he happily puts on his earbuds. His sole escape. As he leaves his family's house, he turns on his favorite song by City Wolf. As it starts to play, he runs down the sidewalk to th bus stop and arrives just as the bus reaches it. He waits for Kopa and Kiara to get on first before he follows them, heading to the back where his friends always are. 

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