29. Seal the deal

Start from the beginning

Everyone around the table including Bianca goes silent and their eyes are wide with awestruck. I, on the other hand, am grinning because I was expecting Sia to drop the bomb anytime soon, that's her style and I knew Bianca couldn't keep her excitement from her cousin.

Bianca is all red and probably a bit angry for sure."What?" Sia shrugs at her cousin."You weren't planning on keeping your engagement secret, were you?" She asks, eventually looking at me.

I straighten myself and cross my arms against my chest."No ma'am, I wasn't." I turn towards my girl, giving her a challenging look.

She rolls her eyes and copies my action. "Neither was I."

"You two are engaged?" Maya exclaims, with both of her hands beside her cheeks, shocked with the news.

"Neil gave her a ring." Sia grins.

"I don't know what to say," Keith shakes his head.

"Who asked for your opinion?" Sia whispers, her twin for sure heard that but doesn't respond to it like all the other time.

"I just hope you guys won't mess up and stuff." He adds.

"We won't," I affirm, intertwining her fingers with mine. I was never as sure about anything as I am at this moment.

"Aren't you guys moving too fast?" Penzo finally asks and his tone sounds as if he's irritated.

"We are," Bianca answers with an excited smile on her face. "But it feels so..right."

"It does," I add, looking at her with awe.

"Then are you getting married anytime soon?" Maya asks, never getting rid of her shocked state. "For real?"

"No," Bianca laughs."We need to grow up before that. For now, this is comfortable for both of us." I nod, agreeing with her.

"Thank goodness." Keith and Maya both let out a relieved sigh making Bianca giggle.

Only if it was even possible to do whatever I wish for, I'd marry her right now. But she is right, we need to grow up first. I need to be a man and have a stable career before having her as my wife.

"Anyways," Rohan says after clearing his throat, "Congratulations." And everyone chorus with him.

"Who is getting congratulated?" Asks Aahana who just arrived but without her other friends which is a relief.

"Bianca and Neil are official now," Sia answers.

"Is that even new?"

"Well, this time," Maya adds, "they sealed the deal with a ring."

"Oh!" She says as she looks at me for a fraction of a second and congratulates us before giving her attention back to Bianca.

"Let us look at the ring now." Maya squeals, and every eye is now focused on Bianca's hand.


My beautiful girl, my fiance. She's the best gift from God I ever had. How do I define my feelings for her? She is my happiness, my comfort zone. Being with her makes me realise how lonely I was before she came into my life.

How can a person make such a big difference in someone else's life in such a short period of time? How can I be so obsessed with someone who I haven't even known for a year? But my love for her scares me the most because she's as beautiful as a flower and flowers are to be treated delicately.

Bianca is my new addiction,so dating her as a schoolmate, a neighbour, a church mate, no matter how else, it is just not enough. An official date a week is a must. So, we go out every Sunday in the afternoon.

"You know," She speaks while we sip our drinks at 'Hang out'- the cafe where we went on a date for the very first time. It has become one of our favourite spots. "I have something for you."

"Okay," I say. But she bites her lower lip and starts blushing all of a sudden."What?" I smile.

"Umm.." She tucks her hair behind her ear and puts her hand inside the inner pocket of her jacket."this.." she takes out a plain gold ring and I feel the swooping sensation in my stomach again. I've felt that a billion times since I met her, but this one is the strongest ever.

I am speechless, so she speaks instead. "I figured that we do need to have a mutual agreement to seal a deal." She offers me the ring with both of her hands but is unable to look me in the eyes. Her shyness sometimes almost invites palpitations in my heart.

Now, with her ring on my finger, I silently pledge to marry her one day, soon if possible.



So, what do you think?

I know, I know this chapter was a bit too much. But I'll give a very similar excuse as before- teenagers are pretty idiotic people. At least I was and I know most of us were weird at some points of our lives. Anyway, I always try to make these plots as realistic as possible. I hope I succeed in doing so. And I really really hope that you lovely readers would enjoy.

Please comment and don't forget to vote.

Thank you.

Love ya...

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