Chapter 143

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The groups lunch hour was quickly dying down. Meredith being an intern had less time off for lunch than the others and she had to get back to peds. Her fellow interns who were also on lunch had spent their time gawking and whispering to each other, but had since long departed back to their cases in the pit. Meredith assumed the whispering were about who Meredith was eating lunch and spending a wonderful time laughing and catching up with over old times.

Derek also had plans for the afternoon including his own surgery scheduled, Mark and Addison had their departments to go back to getting acquainted with. The entire lunch Meredith had held off on bringing up the baby ultrasound topic, but she couldn't handle it anymore.

"So…Addi." Meredith started off looking at Derek and then to Addison. Derek knew what she wanted to say and just chuckled while shaking his head. He looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes that gave Meredith the go ahead to talk to Addison about the ultrasound, knowing that Meredith wasn't going to be able to get it off her mind.

"We were wondering when you'd have time for you to fit me in as a patient." Meredith asked coyly.

"For you? You're my number one patient." Addison smiled at them both, herself excited at seeing their child for the first time. She hadn't been there for the start of the Meredith and Derek legend as Mark called them and never let anyone forget he was the only one there at the start of it all, but Addison loved to think that she was there for a large part of their lives. Meredith was her first friend when she became an intern although Meredith was just 18 years old and in her first semester of college. Meredith made her feel part of a family for the first time in her life and she'd never forget that.

"First thing in the morning?" Derek added in. "I don't have to be in until later, we could do it before Meredith starts pre- rounds."

"Sure that's perfect. I'll get the nurses and files all sorted out today and tomorrow you and baby Shepherd will be my first patient at Seattle Grace." Addison smiled excitedly that her first patient in her new life was going to be a meaningful one.

"That's kind of early, not sure if I can make it." Mark chimed in while looking at his blackberry to check his morning consult times. While Meredith and Derek looked at each other and Addison stared at Mark with a what the heck expression on her face.

"And why do you need to make it?" Derek asked with interest.

"I'm Uncle Mark. I need to be there to make sure it's a him and not a her." He responded seriously. As Meredith rolled her eyes laughing and Addison shook her head.

Derek glared at the thought of Mark in the room while Addison was doing any type of exams on his wife. "Oh no. I'll check and in case you've forgotten Addison's going to be Meredith's doctor and only I will be allowed in that room."

"Back off jealous cave man. I just want to see my nephew not anything else." Mark laughed as Derek still glared.

"Or niece." Addison added in excitedly at the thought of a little girl to spoil and buy clothes for.

"Ok, ok." Meredith laughed as her pager went off, standing up putting a stop the all the antics at the table, turning to address Addison by looking at her. "Tomorrow morning before rounds sounds great." Then turning to look at Mark. "We'll print you out a picture for you too see him OR her." She stressed the or glaring at Mark and turning to continue her stare at Derek. "What? I didn't do anything." "Be nice to your brother and…" she leaned in so only he could hear her "the jealousy thing, still really hot" she whispered and then kissing him gently on the cheek good bye and waving to Addison and Mark as she took off in a slow jog back up to her wheeling around attending in pediatrics.

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