Chapter 6

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After leaving Derek's office a lot calmer than when she ran in. Meredith went back to the library to try and figure out what was causing her patient's seizures.

She saw all the other interns huddled together at the desks and went the opposite direction to the bookshelves thinking over the facts in her head. Derek was the best and if he couldn't figure this out, it had to mean it was something they was so obvious we weren't seeing it.

As if a light bulb went off in her head, Meredith shot up and ran out of the library while the others looked at her trail left behind her once again.

Running down the hall towards Derek's office, Meredith found her husband waiting on the elevator.

"Derek, Dr. Shepherd," she corrected herself quickly. "Katie competes in beauty pageants."

"Okay, and..." He replied back, not getting where she was going with this. Meredith barreled on "she fell, when she twisted her ankle she fell. It was minor not even worth mentioning in her history but she did fall." She let out while he now understood where she was going.

"Well, you know the chances that a minor fall could burst an aneurysm, one in a million! Literally."

Meredith sighs and gives him that wife look that makes him do what ever she wants. Which causes him to think that he will probably have to learn how to be immune to that look at work. It works at home when she needs him to do the dishes or wash her car. But here as the attending, he'd probably have to build some resistance or she'd have him doing labs and rectals for her with that one look.

Forgoing those thoughts, he just looks at her and says "let's go." While walking down the hall away from the elevator bay and her trailing behind him.


"To find out if Katie's one in a million and if my wife just out smarted me on her first day." He winks.

"Well everyone always said I was smarter than you" she flirted back.

"Really?" Everyone like who?"

"Like mom, Nancy, Kathy, Mark, Addi, Em..."

"You mean our traitorous family members who all love you more than me." He interrupted with a smile.

"Yes, them" she laughed back.

While they were in their own world bantering back and forth, neither had noticed Izzy and George in ear shot hearing the tail end of their conversation. Izzy turned to George with wide eyes, "family members?" George set out a sigh of relief over Meredith not having the hots for thinking he may be still had a chance even if she had a rich husband somewhere before responding. "They have the same last name, they must be brother and sister."

After getting Katie prepped and read for the CT, Derek and Meredith were waiting for the results to appear on screen.

"I'll be damned. There it is, minor and small but there it is. She's bleeding into her brain." He whispered.

"Wow. She could have gone her entire life and never know." Was all Meredith could say while looking at the scan.

"Now we have to fix it."

"We?" I don't think, Derek…"

"Yes, we. Intern who figured it out got to be in the OR. You figured it out and wife or not, you're going to be there Meredith. You earned it, you did great work. I would love to stay and kiss your ass, but since I'm banned you wouldn't let me anyways." He winked before continuing on more professionally when the lab tech came back into the room before she could react.

"I have to go tell Katie's parents she's having surgery and you have to go get ready for your first surgery." He grabbed the chart and set off towards the door, before stopping at looking back at her then slowly coming back to where she stood by the desk. Deciding to ignore the lab tech and say what he wanted.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her cheek and disappearing out of the room. While she smiled back at him, with a smile that lit up her entire face and made his heart stop.

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