Chapter 38

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"Der, we need to move the secretaries' desk." Meredith randomly said while once again trying to tie up her scrubs while her husband tried to persuade her not to.

"What?" he laughed. "Where did that random piece of thought come from?"

"She knows." Meredith whispered while swatting his hand away to tie up her scrubs despite his pouting face.

"Knows what?"

"Knows what we do in here." She kept on whispering. Derek let out a loud laugh, at her whispering to him and her freaked out face.

"It's not funny" she gasped while hitting his arm.

"Oh, I beg to differ. What we do in here? And what's with the whispering?" he kept on laughing.

"Ugh, I'm leaving and what happened in here just now mister. That was the last time it will happen in this office." She huffed and turned on her heels to make a beeline to his closed office door. Derek grabbed her arm before she could get too far, pulling her back into his strong lean body and wrapping his arms around her so she couldn't struggle out.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere." He huskily said, while kissing her neck, her cheek, her nose and finally engulfing her lips with his own. All her huffing and puffing she had before, melted away and she became putty.

"Der..." she moaned. "She knows, she was looking at me funny."

"Who cares, she gets paid to do her job and keep her mouth shut. I'll give her a big Christmas bonus." He said while still paying very close attention to her body with his lips.

"But she was staring."

"I'll send her a memo not to stare at my beautiful, sexy, and perfect wife." He seductively whispered in her ear while managing to distract her enough that he had gotten her scrub paints untied and had fallen to pool at her ankles. Right when he was going to pick her up and drag her back to his sofa, his intercom signal went off. Indicating the secretary wanted to speak to him. Causing Meredith to get her bearings, stiffen up and pull back.

"Ignore it." He told her while trying to pull her back to him.

"Derek!" she squealed, pushing him over to the phone.

"Fine." He muttered.

"Yes?" he grunted into the phone receiver, causing Meredith's eyes to widen and give him a 'be nice' look.

"Dr. Shepherd, I'm so sorry to interrupt however Dr. Sloan is on the line from New York and I thought you may want to accept this call." The secretary warily told him.

"Yes, yes, patch Dr. Sloan through." Derek told her while not taking his eyes off Meredith the entire time, who was once again fixing her scrubs back to normal. Meredith looked over to him when he said Dr. Sloan, mouthing 'Mark'. Derek shook his head affirmative. She sat down in one of the chairs opposite Derek, making no movement to leave the room for them to talk privately. She wanted to hear everything.

"Mark?" Derek said quickly.

"Catch you at a bad time, Shep?" Mark asked with a laugh.

"No, no. Just being caught up on this case of yours before tomorrow."

"Really? Who's catching you up? Any intern I may know?" Mark asked with a sly tone to his voice. Knowing exactly what he had interrupted if he knew his best friend and his wife at all and he really did.

"You only know one intern here Mark, and yes she's the intern on the case." Derek replied back glancing at Meredith, who was smiling back at him.

"Ah, so what exactly were you two doing in your office?"

"Mark, did you just call to question me about my wife and I's sex life?" Meredith's eyes widened at Derek asking Mark that and suddenly wished she wasn't here for this conversation.

"Ah so you were having sex in your office. You sly dog you, hooking up with an intern. I think that's against the rules." Mark chastised with a laugh.

"Mark..." Derek was trying to bite back his own laughter and not say anything to get him in trouble with his wife who was staring intently at him.

"I take it she's listening in, so I'll get to the point. Just calling to make sure you'll be my wingman tomorrow. I know Webber called me to say you were taking over the case, but I needed to hear it for sure before I get on the plane."

"I did take over the case, Meredith is my intern. She'll be in the OR along with Dr. Martin and her intern. Along with some residents." Derek informed him.

"Dr. Martin?" Mark asked back.

"Well yes, she was the plastic surgeon on the case, she'll be assisting you as well."


"Mark? You still there?" Derek asked, Meredith's eyes narrowing and Derek could tell she had gone back to trying to figure out what the deal was with those two.

"Still here, I'll see you two tomorrow. I am going to take Addison to dinner at Tavern on the Green to make up for me leaving for a few days. So I gotta run." With that Mark hung up the phone hastily without Derek even responding. But the way Mark ran off and the fact Mark was by choice going to Tavern on the Green a place he hated going because of all the tourists set bells off in Derek's head. Derek hung up his receiver, looking at Meredith, while putting some pieces together.

"Meredith, when did Mark go to Chicago?" He asked her calmly while leaning back in his soft leather arm chair.

"A couple years ago, I think why?" she asked confused as to what he was thinking.

"When was that "break" he and Addi took?" He asked again calmly.

"2 yea...oh crap."

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