Chapter 71

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They had 2 cars in the parking lot, it was no contest of which one Derek would take home. Meredith's SUV which he had driven in this morning could stay in the designated parking spot and the Porsche would be taken home.

As he began the long drive home, Meredith settled sleepily in the passenger seat. Derek's mind was still on the work he still had to do. Meredith was already onto him, he still had to tell Meredith about her gift, it would take another day or two to get the car. Paperwork, licenses all the little things had to be worked out before he could go pick it up, so he had some time.

After the drive home where Meredith slept soundly in the passenger seat the entire ride. He decided he couldn't bear to wake her, she had quite the trying first week and it has finally caught up with her. He gently lifted her out of the seat, her arms automatically wrapping around his neck like on autopilot. Derek chuckled while he carried into their trailer and laid her down on the bed.

Getting to work with taking off her cross trainers, her coat and sweater, changing her into an old t-shirt of his for her to sleep in comfortably for as long as she needed. Which he expected was going to be until late tomorrow morning based on how tired she looked

"Hmm" she mumbled in a groggy state as Derek pulled the shirt on her head.

"Shh, it's okay just go back to sleep." He calmly whispered to her as he kicked his own shoes off and crawled into the bed with her.

"Home?" She whispered with her eyes still shut.

"Yeah, we're home."

"Chief had to talk to me." She mumbled in her sleep like she had a brain wave instantly.

"It's ok, it's nothing that can't wait until later."

"Kay, night Der. Love you."

"Love you too Mer" he told her as he leaned down and kissed her sweetly on her head as she snagged her arm around his waist pulling herself closer to his body so she could drift off into her deep sleep.

"Derek. I've been looking for your wife all morning have you seen her?" The Chief asked as he came upon Derek waiting for his intern of the day at the OR board sipping his thermos of coffee.

"She's not due in for another 4 hours, she's home getting some much needed sleep." Derek informed him.

"Oh, I thought she was due in now, I must have read the times wrong." The Chief trailed off absentmindedly in deep though.

"Is there something you need that I can help you with?" Derek asked noticing the Chief's demeanor. "Meredith mentioned last night you had something to talk to her about."

"It's nothing, nothing that can't wait until she gets in." He said while glancing at the time on his watch. "Tell her to see me the second she gets in." He ordered Derek before walking swiftly away from him. Leaving Derek wondering what was going on with the Chief that he needed to talk to Meredith so importantly about.

"Dr. Shepherd. I'm your intern for the day." Alex said as he came up to the OR board startling Derek out of his thoughts.

"Ah, Dr. Karev. Your first day on Neuro, sorry I know from Mark, you prefer plastics."

"It's okay, as long as I'm not on gynie squad. Then I'm all good." He said seriously as Derek laughed.

"Well, I'll try to make it interesting for you." Derek told him as they walked off towards Derek's first patient of the day.

After getting Alex settled with the first patient, sending him to do all the tests and OR prep, Derek was able to grab some lunch in his office and deciding to give Mark a call to see how things were going.

"Sloan." Mark answered nonchalantly obviously not looking at the caller id.

"Mark, how are things back home?"

"Shep, what's wrong bored? Wife not around to keep you occupied in your office." Mark laughed. Derek hesitated before answering "No, can't I call and see how you're doing?"

Mark knew he hit the nail on the head and started laughing. "Meredith really isn't there today is she?"

"She's not due in for another couple hours." Derek resigned in telling him knowing he won't let it go.

"Whipped whipped, whipped." Mark smugly answered back.

"Speaking of which…" Derek tried to deflect things off him to change the subject "how are things with Addi?"

"If you're asking if I've told her about the job offer or asked the other thing yet. The answer is no to both."

"Mark..." Derek started in to lecture him.

"Shut it Shep, I intend to and I will, I've just gotten home there were other things to handle first. She missed me." Mark smirked even over the phone.

"Ah, I see." He replied as Alex knocked and stuck his head in the door. Derek waved him in, seeing the charts of results in his hand. Waving him to take a seat and pass him the chart.

"Plus, if I do this your wife told me to do it right and get her something sparkly to deflect the job offer in Seattle part."

"She told you to buy Addi a ring so you could slip in the job offer and Addi wouldn't notice? My wife is so sneaky." Derek laughed while scanning over the charts his eyes narrowing seeing a small clot that was not in his patients scans yesterday. He glanced at Alex who just nodded his head yes that he saw it also, and to confirm Derek's diagnosis that a clot had formed.

"Yeah, we'll add bribery to her grand theft auto rap sheet."

"I told you it's not grand theft auto when you're married."

"Yeah yeah whatever Shep. I haven't done it yet but when I do if it's good I'll let you know, if you don't hear from me. You'll know I'm drunk somewhere."

Derek laughed and he and Mark said their good byes quickly. "Great catch, Dr. Karev. Picking up this small clot." Derek quickly congratulated him as they both made their way out of his office and towards the OR.

Bright and Shiny - Grey's Anatomy (Merder)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora