Chapter 118

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"Hey sleepy." Meredith groggily heard as she felt a hand brush across her face, into her hair and thumb gently brushing her cheek. Meredith slowly opened her eyes not being able to hide the slight grin on her face of knowing that when she opened them she'd be seeing her husbands gorgeous face.

"Hi." She whispered sweetly as she saw him standing before her, slouching a little then sinking down in the empty seat next to her. A sly smile gracing his tired and worn out looking face. Obvious exhaustedness of being in the OR for hours with patient after patient. She then realized that all the other interns that she remembered being around before she dozed off were long gone.

"Alex is doing my post ops and mentioned I could find my wife in the waiting room." He chuckled as Meredith rolled her eyes at him knowing her thoughts so well.

"I just wanted to rest. Thought I'd be paged back to the pit, trekking all the way to the office was too far." She yawned as she moved her head to rest on his shoulder. Nuzzling her nose into his neck and inhaling his scent that left her feeling so secure and safe.

"Are you ok?" he asked in a slightly panic tone. Placing a hand gently to rest of her stomach.

"Fine no worrying just tired. Patients, a lot of sutures, surgeries, scans." She trailed off knowing he got the drift because he had experienced the same thing, except for the minor detail that he was an attending that ordered the interns do all the running around for him.

"Hungry? I'm starving." He sighed. "No time to even grab a granola bar in between scrubbing in and craniotomies. I don't want to even hear that word for awhile." He joked.

"A little, but don't want to move." She mumbled as she pushed herself further into him and draped her arm around his waist to hold tightly to him.

"Izzy offered me a candy bar and I said no. You should be very proud of me." She blurted out, out of nowhere. Derek smirked nodding his head and leaning down to kiss the top of hers.

"Very proud of you, that's my girl. Resisting temptation." He joked as she giggled.

"I'll go grab our stuff, order a pizza and we'll pick it up on the way home. How does that sound as a reward?" Knowing she was going to perk up at the sound of pizza.

"Pizza?" she smiled as her eyes brightened as she lifted her head out from his neck and pulled back. Earning a slight laugh from him at the magic word that caused her to gain a second wind.

"Yes pizza, and I'll even get you garlic bread and wings too, but also a salad." He continued laughing kissing her on the nose as he got up. "Compromise." He winked.

"Wait here, don't move, I'll be back." He whispered leaning down to kiss her after each punctuating word. Not caring that they were in a waiting room with people still sitting around them.

"Okay." She smiled ethereally up at him. Grateful for not having to get up and travel up to the office to grab her clothes and coat. She'd just change in the car or throw her coat over her scrubs. She thought as she sighed and once again closed her eyes to rest before Derek returned.

Bright and Shiny - Grey's Anatomy (Merder)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon