Chapter 59

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"You look smug." Derek observed as he, Meredith and Izzy filed into the patients recovery room to join Mark in doing a post-op exam and check the stats...

"What's not to be smug about? I'm good, the best there is, look for your self." Mark said as he tilted his head towards the patient so Derek could get a closer look to exam the patient himself.

"Congratulations, Dr. Sloan. You are the best. Excellent work." Derek said as he checked over the patient.

"Thank you, you didn't do too badly yourself." He smirked as he congratulated Derek.

"Oh god." Meredith groaned as she rolled her eyes at them ego boosting each other. Izzy just looked confused as she glanced back and forth between them wondering what was wrong with Meredith. Before she could question it, the Chief along with 2 board members entered the already crowded recovery room.

"Dr Sloan, Dr. Shepherd. We have some guests who wanted to observe your work." The Chief said as he walked closer to them at the head of the bedside. Meredith and Izzy stood towards the back, Meredith could tell there was something else going on here other than board members wanting to kiss Derek and Mark's asses. She glanced toward Derek to give him a look of confusion and he had a similar one as well, wondering since when board members wanted to check patients during post-op.

"Dr. Shepherd could you please go pick up the new scans, Dr. Stevens can you go retrieve the blood work." Derek asked of them. Meredith gave him a 'good luck' look before she nodded and left the room, Izzy following behind.

"Meredith." Izzy called after her in the hallway.

"Yes?" Meredith asked as she continued to walk.

"Why'd you get mad in the room?" she asked in confusion.

"Mad?" Meredith repeated in confusion as she halted in the hall to look at Izzy. Meredith went over the events of the room in her head. Realizing Izzy meant her reaction of Mark and Derek's egos.

"I wasn't mad, I'm just used to Mark and Derek loving themselves far too much." Meredith told Izzy with a smile.

"Oh. Well they did good work why would that be a bad thing?" She asked still confused.

"They did good work, they always do and trust me you will definitely not be the only one to say so. Because they will be saying it more than anyone, a lot." Meredith laughed as she emphasized her last words.

She then took off on a slow jog to go grab the scans for Derek so she could get back to him fast to find out what was going on with the Chief and the board members.

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