Chapter 6: The Front Porch

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As David got out of his car I started to feel panicked so I took the spare key from under the mat and quickly unlocked the door and slammed it. I started to hear a knock on the door "Amelia, I just saw you go inside just now, can you come out so we can talk." I stood there in silence for a second and then I said, "Ummm no I don't think I will come out actually, I think I'm just going to bed you know I'm a little bit tired." "Amelia, please can you come out, we need to talk, I need to talk to you please." I stood there in silence again thinking about what I was going to do before I finally decided to open the door.

As I opened the door and started to see his face I started to tear up again, I felt as if I was going to start balling my eyes out, but I didn't. He looked at me with this look of concern he usually has but this time it was different. "Are you alright? You look as if there is something wrong, I mean you don't have to tell me but just know I'm here." I then stopped thinking and just hugged him. I then backed up and looked at him, "I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking, I won't do it again."

He looked at me for a second "I-" I started but he interrupt me, "I swear to god if you say sorry one more time." I then started to burst out laughing and David started to laugh as well. We then decided to sit down on the front steps of my porch and just started to talk, nothing in particular just random things. I then started to wonder why he came here in the first place.

"Hey David, why are you here?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean why did you come to my house, you looked like you were having a good time at the party with McKenna, I mean weren't you?"

He sat there, I'm guessing trying to think of what he was going to say or where he was going to start, "I came to check on you, I saw you leave with James and I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He sighed he started to say something else but then he said, "I'm just worried that's all." I looked at him and smiled, "Everything is fine, I'm good." I then looked at the floor and then said, "thank you, for coming to check on me, you didn't have to you know-" I then stopped and realized that McKenna was still at the dance.

"Where's McKenna?"

"She's still at the dance, why?"

I took a long sigh and then started, "What is your problem? Why did you just leave her like that? What were you thinking? Did you even tell-" "Amelia, she's fine, ok?" he said trying to reason with me. He then put his arm around my shoulder and said, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, because- because-" "because why?" I said.  "Well because we are friends," he said. A wave of disappointment hit me and then I smiled and said, "yeah because we are friends."

He then began to get up "On that note, I better get going," then out of nowhere I grabbed his arm, "stay, please." He then began to smirk, with that I let go of his arm and then said, "nope never mind forget what I just said feel free to leave I don't care." He started laughing, "no, no I insist, I will stay but just for you," he said while sitting back down. I then leaned my head on his shoulder "You know David when I first met you I thought you hated me."

Even though I meant it as a joke I think he probably thought I was being serious though because he looked at me with that same look of concern. I started to nervously laugh and I said, "I mean I think everyone hates me at first, you know, because who wouldn't I know sometimes I can come off a bit annoying." I then realized that me saying this probably didn't make the situation any better, he then said with a serious tone, "I could never hate you, Amelia." I started nervously laughing even more and said, "Well that's good to know."

I then started to put my hand down on the pavement on the step unknowing that his hand was on the step. I then touched his hand, and then quickly pulled my hand back, "sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to do that I'm sorry." He smirked again, "nervous, are we? You know you don't have to say sorry right?" I smiled, I knew then that I was supposed to be here, I was supposed to be here with him.

We sat there for what seemed like hours till I started to fall asleep and he tapped me and said, "Well, I better get going." I sighed and got up, "you're right, I don't want to keep you up all night." He then got up as well and started to go to his car, then I suddenly said, "wait." I paused because I didn't know what I was thinking and then he said, "What?" I then laughed and said, "Never mind."

He then got into his car and drove him, I went back inside and went to my bedroom. What was I thinking, what was I even going to say to him, and why were his hands so soft? I started to feel my face heat up and I fell back onto my bed and then started to close my eyes, and that eventually lead to me falling asleep.

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