Chapter 2: The Past And The Future

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   While I was listening to music on the bus ride home I started to reminisce about the time we four had together. When we were kids we would all hang out at the playground, we were so close. I wondered what happened to David and James though because they used to be really good friends, but James had snapped on David this morning. That was so unlike him, usually, he would talk about how much he "loved" David and how hot he was. The question was digging at my brain, why was James so rash this morning?

    I then looked at James and noticed he was looking at someone, I thought that someone was McKenna but as I turned to see who he was staring at I realized it was David. David was also looking back at him. They both looked really angry, this just made my curiosity grow. When the bus stopped at our stop, McKenna and I were the first to get off followed by David and James. When they got off one of them must have bumped into the other because they started yelling at each other. Me and McKenna both rolled our eyes, and I yelled, "What is your problem guys, you have been liked this all day it's starting to get on our nerves."

    McKenna agreed, "You guys are being annoying, usually you guys are complementing each other and making out." I snickered at the remark, McKenna then looking at me. We almost broke out laughing but we remained calm, maybe for the first time. I then noticed James and David's faces were a bright red, which just made the problem worse. I started bursting out laughing and soon followed McKenna. James and David looked at each other with a look that probably meant "are they okay" the answer to that would be probably no.

    James and David then forgetting their feud started laughing as well. Just the four of us, laughing like old times. We then all walked to the playground together, the same one we hung out at when we were kids. As we were talking to each other, Trisha came walking up to us. As I looked closer I realized it hadn't only been Trisha but Kamryn as well.

    They were holding hands, which didn't surprise me and McKenna but it sure surprised James and David. The thing was that Trisha always talked bad about Kamryn in front of James and David but she told the truth in front of me and McKenna. Me and McKenna, had huge grins on our faces, spreading cheek to cheek. While they were walking closer I then wonder what they were even doing in our neighborhood, they didn't live here, I mean I wasn't complaining I was just confused. I was a tad annoyed they were here though because Kamryn and I didn't have the best past, same with McKenna.

    Our group didn't have the best experience with Kamryn, besides David and James, we were all annoyed by him. I guess if they were dating then we would have just dealt with him, I knew she would keep him in check anyways, Trisha wasn't a pushover. When Trisha and Kamryn got to us McKenna and I were in a laughing fit while David and James were just staring at them. Them staring at Trisha and Kamryn just made me and McKenna laugh even harder. When we saw Trisha's face, stone-cold and not amused, we stop laughing in fear for our lives.

    Trisha began, "do I even have to explain to you guys?" We all nodded our heads no, I thought I rather not ask any questions anyways seeing I have already annoyed her enough by laughing. We all then began to talk until the sun started to set, and we all then started to walk home. Trisha and Kamryn started walking home before us though because they had farther the walk. When the four of us were walking home it was silent, probably because all of us were tired and listening to music.

    All of us but James though, he then asked for one of my earbuds because he was bored and didn't like McKenna and David's music. I wondered why because their music was just as good but I didn't ask questions. I then started to play the playlist I made for him, it was just a bunch of songs he liked and Mask the Sus Remix by Dream. He said he didn't like that song but all of us knew that was his favorite song, we just pretended he didn't like it just to humor him. When got to the split in the road heading to McKenna and David's houses and James and my houses we said our goodbyes and started walking to our houses. When James and I got to my house my mom saw, and to my distaste, she invited him in for dinner.

    As we sat at the table she started asking him questions about his plans for his future, kinda like a guidance counselor in school. I knew we had just turned freshmen in High school but it doesn't mean he knew what he wanted to do with his life. To my disbelief he knew exactly what he wanted to do, I knew I had my whole future planned out but it didn't occur to me I wasn't the only one that thought about my future. I looked at him talking to my mom about his future and smiled.

    As I walked him out of the house to his house, questions flooded my brain, like why did I just start liking him now? This was the most confusing thing that has ever happened to me. I've known him for years, so why did I just start liking him now, what was so different about him, what did I even see in him? James then said, "What's on your mind, Amelia?" My face then turned a soft pink, it's like he was reading my mind, how did he know there was something on my mind, I then started, "Why did you just start liking McKenna, I mean you've known her years but you just started liking her now, why?"

    He looked at me, with a confused but a shocked look at the same time, I then felt like I had asked too much. I looked at him and then said, "sorry, I didn't mean to come off pushy or something, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He took a deep sigh and started, "you're alright, I just didn't expect you to ask that all at once, well to begin I don't even know if I like her. I'm just confused, I mean you're right I have known her for years, she is the same McKenna, I just see her differently now." I then started to wonder if I even liked James in the first place, It was all so confusing.

    We walked in silence for the rest of the short walk. When we reached his door I told him good night. I started to walk home by myself but then I started walking in the direction of the playground. It was here many years ago when I met James for the first time, the first thing I remember was his bright eyes filled with kindness. I had tripped myself and started crying, James was there and comforted me, we didn't even know each other at the time but he still decided to help me. It was his kindness that allowed us to meet for the first time, I was forever grateful for him as a friend.

    I wondered if that was it, only friends. I began to walk home when I saw David walking around the neighborhood, I ran up to him with a smile and we began to talk.

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