Chapter 5: Eye Of The Hurricane

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    A few days past everything is starting to feel better, taking it day by day, but this time I'm not alone. The dance is in a few days, I'm still going with Jordan but I'm just going to try to look at the positive way of things from now on. Me, McKenna, David, and James all went shopping for an outfit for the dance together, to David's suggestion. Everything was fine at first but then every time I tried to say something someone spoke over me and I started to feel that drowning feeling again but then David looked at me and came up next to me and whisper to me, "Are you okay Amelia?" The drowning feeling than suddenly went away, it was like he pulled me up out of the water, I smiled and said, "I'm good now."

    I finally had someone, he would never ignore me and I felt okay, I wasn't the happiest I could've been but I sure didn't feel sad. We had a great time picking out dresses, McKenna ended up picking a black slim dress (very fashionable, something like Lily-Rose Depp would wear, it suited her well.) I picked a dark green dress that was a loose type dress that flowed when you spun. David and James got boring black suits, so basic, but at least they looked good. After we paid we then went for ice cream, which was amazing; David got cookie dough, I got raspberry with dark chocolate, McKenna got a cone of chocolate ice cream, and James got a sundae.

    Everything was fine, but little did I know that was only the eye of the hurricane.

    It was the day of the dance Jordan knocked at my door, and when I opened the door I saw he had a black suit on with a red tie. He had an arrangement of flowers in his hands, which had: baby's breath, Forget-me-nots, and orange Tulips. I thought he must have asked McKenna for the flowers I liked because I loved the arrangement. He asked, "do you like the flowers?" I smiled and said, "yes I love the flowers, thank you for them." It was a little awkward at first because this was the first time he and I had seen each other out of school but we just started making random conversation.

    Jordan and I arrived at the dance hand in hand, but I then saw David and I broke hands with him and ran over to David. When I got closer I saw McKenna and James too but I wasn't really worried about them, I came over to talk about the dance, and then Jordan caught up. He looked at me out of breath and asked, "next time can you wait up for me." I laughed nervously and said, "oh, yeah sorry about that." Jordan looked kinda annoyed but I didn't care that much because I was too busy talking to David.

    Jordan then asked for a dance, I said yes, only because he was my date. It was fun I guess but the moments I shared with David were even better, I finally had someone that understood me and cared for me. While I was talking to Jordan on the other side of the room I looked over at David and I realized, I had a crush on him. This could not happen, I couldn't have a crush on David, McKenna liked him, at this point I knew the world just was completely against me because this was the second guy in my friend group I had a crush on. I'm so screwed, when McKenna came up to me she asked, "Hey this might be a lot to ask since you are busy with your date but could you somehow convince David to dance with me."

    I looked at her blankly for a second and then smiled, "Yeah I could do that." I then walked over to David and said, "So how is the dance going, I noticed that you haven't danced yet." He looked up at me with this look in his eye and I almost melted, I then continued, "McKenna hasn't danced either, you guys should dance with each other." The look went away right after I said that, he then said, "that's a good idea" he smiled at me and went over to McKenna. As I saw them talk and then eventually start to dance I couldn't help to tear up a little. She was happy though and he looked happy too, and that was all I wanted.

    I felt so bad that I was jealous because they were both of my friends and they were happy and that is all that should matter but I couldn't help but feel sad. James came over and put his arm around my shoulder, "You okay?" I wiped away my tears and looked up at him and said, "Yeah I'm good." He then looked at McKenna and David and then he looked as if a light bulb lit over his head, "You don't happen to have feelings for David do you?" I then started to panic because I didn't know, did I?

    He then said, "You don't have to answer that, I think I already know what you are going to say, everything is going to be fine." There he was kind James, caring for others, but this time he was just that kind caring James, that was it. I started to wonder if I even liked James in the first place, everything was so confusing, too confusing. Jordan then come over again and asked for a dance, I was just about to say yes, even though I was tired, but then James interrupted me and said, "I was just about to drive her home, she said she was feeling a little sick." Jordan then looked at me disappointedly and said, "Oh, sorry that you feel sick, I guess I will see you at school."

    I looked at Jordan and I didn't feel right about this, I shouldn't be dating Jordan, I then walked closer to him and said, "I'm sorry but I just don't think we should be dating, I think it's for the best we stay just friends." He looked at me blankly and said, "oh okay, I understand." I then left with James, James looked at me and said, "I'm proud of you, that was the mature thing to do." I didn't say anything because I felt terrible about it, I shouldn't have said yes to him in the first place.

    He noticed my silence and said, "Hey what's done is done I know you didn't like him and you still agreed to go out with him but at least you didn't drag it out." I smiled and said, "yeah, you're right." I looked out the car window and started to close my eyes. The next thing I knew I was home and James was poking me to wake up, "Hey, you're home," he said quietly. I got my stuff and started to head out of the car, "thanks for the ride by the way," I said half asleep. He smiled and said, "anything time." He then drove off.

    I went to the front door picking up the doormat to get the spare key to unlock the door and then suddenly David's car pulled into the driveway.

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