"Good you shut up"

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⚠️body and... stabbing ⚠️)

A month later... (Wow it's really been a month) you've gone out at evening with dream having a walk at the park, surprisingly there was no one there except an snow cone girl... You very eagerly ran to the girl because there was a sign that said free snow cones for couples. Perfect dream was behind you reading the sign, then you grabbed his arm (yes in the loving type of way)

(Y/n POV) " two snow cones please. Dream what do you want?"

(Dream POV) " oh umm I'll have a plain one, y/n what do you want"

(Y/n POV) " I'll have a s/c/f (snow cone flavor) snow cone"

The girl gives you both snow cones and you two go over to a bench and sit down. You start to eat your snow cone (man I've said this to many times) and dream pull's something out, a small red vile and pours it on his snow cone. He puts the bottle back. You guys enjoy your snow cones

(3 minutes later)...

You both were walking again there were a few people around, but dream was looking at this one man kinda glaring at him. The man started walking up to you and flirting with you...

(man POV) " hey there sexy how about you leave this guy and come with me~"

You felt uncomfortable, dream See's this and pull's you back into his arms and DEADLY GLARES at the man, dream's eyelights we're red.

(Dream POV) " Darling~ cover your ears" dream said with a smile, but that quickly faded. You covered your ears... everything just stopped dream walked to the man and told him something.... His face it was.......

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Dream walked back to you, the man was running... You can't remember what happened.
(Y/n mind POV) "wait...w-what did dream say to him" (dream POV) " come on n/n I think your tired I also have some thing to do"

Dream grabbed your arm and teleported to the kitchen (y/n POV) " ummm...dream what are you going to do." (Dream POV) " well something that's urgent." .... He teleported away...
(Y/n POV) " well...ok? Oh! Hey blue did you ever get me food" you said, blue walked down the stairs (Blue POV) " Oh! YES I DID HUMAN Y/N, IT'S IN THE FRIDGE." (Y/n POV) " sweet! Thanks blue" you looked in the fridge and it was....a-a cooked turkey... I-I what the heck (・_・;) at least it's food. You went to get a knife for it...

(Y/n POV) " where's the knife...I thought I saw blue put it here..." You had found another knife but that's kinda strange...

Warning ⚠️ he comes the part where dreams not friendly (• ▽ •;)(~_~;) so you can skip.

(With dream)....

Dream was in a house... The man house and he was on the couch dream was behind him.... With a knife. Then dream had went to his basement and turned the power off. (Man POV) " what the heck. Ugh this stupid power..." Dream hid and waited for him to get to the basement. The man walked to the basement and turned the power back on...

That was a mistake

He turned and dream was in front of him (dream POV) " so... I'll make this quick but not painless." The man was in horror (Man POV) " l-Look I'm sorry p-please...AHHHHHHHHH!" dream slammed him up and down with magic and then slammed him to the wall and stabbed both of his legs multiple times. Dream stopped holding him with magic. He tried to crawl away but dream stepped on his back and his neck. crushing his stomach and throat so he can't scream more. Dream felt his stomach explode and his neck snap

(Dream POV) " good you finally SHUT UP" dream teleported back to his room, and went to take a shower. (Dream POV) " that's a lot of blood... But I bet his is disgusting."

(With you)...

You just finished some of the turkey and went to the basement to watch TV . (Y/n POV) " wait didn't they have a TV in the living room..." You feel a little bit bad for not after about an hour you fell asleep, dream came in and saw that you were sleep (dream POV) " y/n I'm glad you're safe.... I hope you forget about that disgusting man" dream kisses your head and goes out of the basement...


✅ Done

Quit✅ or continue


Hiiii guys and girls how are you... Oh wait I'm typing on my phone 😑 anyway... I hope you guys aren't to be maddd but there's only one chapter left and that's the last straw for dream.

(even though there was one strike... Maybe dreams just not a patient person)

Now dream is doing something bad...like I don't think you want to go upstairs butttt ok anyway you know about thattt harem that my friend was making yea it's going to be on a different book with art and stuff... Well time to talk to someone like nightmare *teleports to him* "hi nightmare" I come out of a portal

(nightmare POV) "oh hi creator. Has my brother done anything stupid yet"

"Well- I can't tell you because of the readers, but you can find out if you go see him... Yea I don't request that"

(Nightmare POV) " ok so dream's gone crazy"


(Nightmare POV) "well how have you been?"

"Me... I've been kinda not... sleeping. B-but! I'm okay-"

(Nightmare POV) " no your not YOUR going to sleep now" nightmare picks me up with his tentacle

"N-nightmare put me down!"

Nightmare puts me on his bed

"Ok ok I'll sleep"

(Nightmare POV) "good you'll need it" nightmare blushes

"Are you blushi-"

(Nightmare POV) " NO! J-just sleep"

I finally got sleep

Well thanks guys and girls I hope you've been doing good... probably way better than me my friend has been good also Im so glad you guys like this story...I feel like making another story. So I'll see you later

Me: also my friend Nickname is sookie too ...... Nevermind how about luna

Luna: heyyy sookie

Me: hi luna....why you making that face...

Luna: I think nightmare cares about you~

Me: that's surprising but this chapter is already too long you already convinced me to let you have a book of my harem that you made so bye-bye.

Me and luna: byeee have a good day, night, or evening

Yandere vampire dream sans x readerWhere stories live. Discover now