walking home...

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You realize that. You didn't know the monsters name.

(Y/n POV)
"Oh umm hey I just realized I didn't know your name?" Walking down the road.

(??? POV)
I smile brightly "My name is dream, my I know your name?".

(Y/n POV)
"Of course my name is y/n"

You both get on your house porch and dream taps your shoulder.(Dream POV) "I guess we stop here. I hope to see you again y/n." (Y/n POV) " yea me too, tell you what how about I meet you in the woods." (Dream POV) "sure I'll love to spend time with you." You blushed a little. Dream is a little nervous and shaking slightly, You notice and start getting worried (y/n POV) " hey dream are you ok your shaking a little." Dream smelled something.

(Dream POV) Umm... Well ye.. YEAH I'm ok just fine but I think I SHOULD GET GOING.(y/n POV) "ok thanks for the walk have a nice night dream." You went into your house.

(I'm just going to make something up because I couldn't find any info if dream had a castle or something 😑)

(Dream POV) teleported to the woods. "Darnit... I'm hungry guess I'll go hunting." Dream was sneaking around the woods looking for an animal, he found one. (Readers you already know what happened to the deer 🥺) dream headed to his castle. And spent the rest of the night talking to ink and blue then went to sleep when morning hit.

Few hours ago....

(Y/n POV) *sigh* "I kinda miss dream already I MEAN I JUST MET HIM uhggg you know what I'll just eat something to take my mind off of it." You went to your fridge and ate some leftover food (chicken 🍗😋 or cereal 🥣) then just went to bed.

(Your dream... Oh that's a joke or should I say nightmare) you were walking in the woods then something just jumped on you. You both fell to the ground you turned around and it was dream on top of you pinning you down to the ground dream eyes.... Eye lites we're bright red

You were a little scared "oh y/n I always wanted to taste your blood~" he said

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You were a little scared "oh y/n I always wanted to taste your blood~" he said. "WHA.. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DREAM GET OF-." Dream interrupted you "y/n calm down a only want a taste~" you struggling to move your arms but his grip was really strong. Dream slowly got closer and closer to your neck, you felt fangs and saliva on your neck untill.....

You woke up sweaty and breathing heavily "....w.well that was a horrible nightmare I hope that doesn't happen"

(So reader it's morning for you now and dream's sleeping tell night time. Hopefully you guys like this cringe story. I'm just a 12 year old doing a cringe (-_-;)・・・ story but I'll update soon hopefully (;;;・_・) ok maybe.... If you have anything you want to add or ask comment or massage me .author out!)

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