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You wake up to you and dream in bed 😏, you wanted to get your phone so you start to put your body out but dream pulls you back in. You being you you didn't give up so you grabbed an object close to you to inch your phone to you (y/n: I still can't live without my phone. Just a... Little bit closer andddd yes I got it) you opened it and it was 12:00 PM suddenly dream started to shift, dream woke up and rubbed his eyes. Awwww you thought dreams sleepy state was sooo cute  (it is 🥺) (Dream POV) " oh hell.o sunshine *yawn*... How are you?" (Y/n POV) "I'm doing good though are you warm you were very cold. (Dream POV) "I'm.... Ok I'm always c..cold."

Dream was a little nervous answering he's hiding something... Dreams stomach growled. (Y/n POV) "oh! Dream are you hungry I could make you something?" (Aww you guys are worried  but you should be worried about your self🤫) dream looked at you his eyes were sunset color. Dream is holding himself back, (dream POV) "No that's... Ok I'll g-go get s... something" dream got up and put his shoes on and went out the door in a hurry.

(Y/n POV) " I hope dream eats something good" ( 😏I wonder when he's going to eat you.haha) dream teleported back to his castle and got a blood pack and drank it. (Dream POV)"dang it I ran out of blood packs I need to get more soon!" Dream teleported back to your house and walk to your room. You were dressed in a normal outfit dream was blushing how cute you were he thought. (Y/n POV) " wanna go to the park?"

(Hi readers thanks for reading it's really helps me in the world and I love to have something to write about at school my friend has been asking me to see what's in my notebook that I'm writing in and I'm just like "no...." So that's fun 😊 also you might get bite 😉 somewhere soon so pre pare for that and here's what my notebook looks like)

" So that's fun 😊 also you might get bite 😉 somewhere soon so pre pare for that and here's what my notebook looks like)

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(Bye 😎 readers hopefully my friend doesn't have Wattpad so they can't see this 😅 also nightmare is ok nighty say hi........  😠I SAID SAY HI... (Nightmare POV) "hi..." 😊 Yay ok bye this time 👋.

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