Who blabbed??

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Olivia's POV

It has been roughly two months since Lukas and I became official. It has been the same amount of time since we had our first little disagreement as I would call it. We haven't had many cases where I was defending anyone, so work has been quiet, almost too quiet if you ask me. It feels like something is about to happen, but I can't pin point what is going on. Bristol nor Irina can figure it out either. They both came to me feeling the same way I currently do. Irina is out handling a warrant search and Bristol is with momma and daddy helping them with things around the house. They told me if I needed their help today, to call them. I told them that I could handle today without them. They laughed because they both know how stubborn I can be when it comes to accepting help. As noon rolls around, my desk phone goes off. I answered it because it was a jail number. Who would be calling me personally from jail? When I answered, it turned out to be Igor, Lukas, Gregor and Irina's "grandpa". He wants to have a meeting with me but wouldn't discuss the details over the phone. This has me worried a bit. But I tell Lukas about it and he agrees that he is clearly up to something. He told me to be careful and call him if I need him.


As I pull into the jail, my nerves do not ease one bit. It's like something is trying to warn me not to go inside. But as a lawyer I have to at least meet with him, then decide on if I'm taking it on.... But I am roughly 99.9% sure this is one case that I am never no matter what am I taking this. It would be a huge conflict if interest if it was because he was found guilty in the case I had with Lukas and his family. I walk into interrogation type room. The cop asked if I wanted him to stay with me and I said please.

~Olivia~ What do you need Mr. Petrov?

~Igor~ Please call me Igor... Ms???

~Olivia~ It's Ms. Nivens and no sir I will not call you Igor. What did you need me here for?

~Igor~ Get me out of jail, zero charges nothing.

~Olivia~ I'm sorry but no I won't be taking your case because I just defended my clients against you. I couldn't.

~Igor~ Why not? Your a lawyer aren't you?

~Olivia~ That has nothing to do with this. I am not taking this case so please do not contact my office again.

As I am walking out of the room what he says to me has me shocked....

~Igor~ What would the bar association say for you dating your client?

I don't feed into his ego or his comments but it does have me worried. How the flying hell did he even know I am dating Lukas? Someone knows something. Whether it's someone in our inner circle or someone within the perimeter of it. But whatever I know is that Lukas needs to know about this.. He also needs to know about Igor requesting me coming to the jail. I have a feeling this may end up causing us to argue but there is a rat among us.

As I am arriving back at the office, I see that Irina is back. Thank god someone else is here. I am at a complete loss of what I am to do...

~Irina~ Whoa chicken little what's wrong?

~Olivia~ Remember when I said I had to go to the jail because of a potential client?

~Irina~ Yeah who was it?

~Olivia~ It was your mother's father...

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