❝ oh , okay . ❞ K.H x NBY!READER

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/ back from the dead yall . missed me ?? me neither . srry , school is literally sucking my soul out of my body ,, and I'm focused on my extracurricular stuff so . yeah . but I'm back !! or atleast working on it c: coming back slowly , so yeah ! but whatever yk . anyways I'm in a shit mood so you get angst today . enjoy :33  __________________________________________________________________

" I love you . "

what strong words , those three little letters can do so much to a person . you know that ? ( name ) knew , they knew so well . so fucking well .

sometimes , love is a blessing , you know ? it's like a warm hug in the middle of a blizzard . you're freezing , grasping onto any warth that resides in your frostbit body, and  but sometimes , just sometimes — it's horrid . soft to the touch , but god , it still burns . ( like an embrace while you're fully clothed in a bathtub filled to the brim with water , except the embrace is strangling you , and the hug was a cover up to stab you in the back . )

you really didn't know what to do . I mean , you've been dating for only .. coming up on two months ? it was confusing , extremely cold at first , couldn't look you in the eyes due to a ,, series of unpleasant items that happened in his past , and now hatake is saying " i love you " and expecting it back . that's ,, a little quick ?

" yeah . i ,, think you aren't so bad yourself . " __________________________________________________________________

yeah teehee . i'm trying to get back online more ,, so i may spam upload or i will go like dead silent . honestly i don't know anymore . but yeah , hope you liked this one . hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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