hehe valentines day special since i missed it

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— Yeah , it's konoha 11 scenarios x Reader because I said so . Plus ,, valentines day, I missed that so here you go. Idk . It's basically gonna be like: Who confessed first? Who caught feelings first ? Stuff like that yk . Also , for context , you aren't a shinobi , you're a civilian .

Anyways , let's get into the story !! —

H. Neji  :

Who confessed first? : You . 

He caught feelings pretty slowly , he was a Shinobi , a Ninja . Love wasn't a first priority to him ; his village was . Village first , everything else second .  But you saw him around , and took an interest in Neji pretty quick. So you befriended him , and after months and months , you finally went up to him , and got straight to the point . Surprisingly , he felt the same .

Who caught feelings first ? : ???

It isn't clear who caught feelings first , for some reason , he doesn't talk about how you guys fall inlove . Maybe because he feels odd that he didn't confess first ?

Who said "I love you" first ?: Neji .

After about two months , you and him were hanging out . He had a free day , so you arranged to have a day to hang out . Lord only knows when you all last hung out , he wanted to have a picnic , so you obviously went along with it . After the picnic , he said that he loved you . Which you obviously said that back , and shared a kiss .

R . Lee :

Who confessed first ? : Lee (obv)

Okay , yes , this relationship seems odd to most . Since Lee has been infatuated with Sakura for the longest time , it seems odd . But after being rejected by Sakura , Tenten finally had enough of Rock Lee being upset , so she set up a blind date with him and you .

The ravenett wasn't exactly on board with it , but Tenten told him to move on and did it anyways . You all hit it off pretty quick . Sure , he was very loud and it felt weird to go on a blind date with a person that was your friends comrade (who also had a crush on another person), but the date went fine.

His crush on Sakura slowly faded and he then fell for you, which when he wanted to be your boyfriend , you accepted his offer .

Who said "I love you first" ? : Lee (once again)

He jumps the gun on so many things, its ridiculous . So after a couple of dates , he said it . You changed the topic , because you didn't feel right to say it after the fourth date . After a few joyful (Youthful , as he says it .) months with him , you did eventually say it .

Who caught feelings first? : You

Even though Lee wanted to initiate the relationship first , you fell first . And rest assured , you fell hard .

Tenten :

Who confessed first ? : Both ?

It was funny , you guys had been friends since the age of twelve , and then you all just ,, clicked . Like two Lego pieces , easy to stick together , hard to separate . You tried to confess first , but then Tenten interrupted and said it first . Even though you tried to get it out . So you both did at the same time ? At least you both shared a hearty laugh about it afterwards .

Who caught feelings first ? : Tenten .

You weren't too sure , but she swears that she caught feelings first . I guess it was you being charming and lovely . Maybe .

Who said "I love you" first ? : You .

She may have caught feelings first , but you said those three amazing words first . She got back from a crazy mission , and was very drained . "All in the life of a Kunoichi !" She'd always say . So being the best s/o, you wrapped your (s/c) arms around her and held her close . As a comfort for everything being crazy , basically soaking up everything negative that gone her way and distracting the brunette from it . Then you said that you loved her . A truly wholesome moment .

N. Shikamaru :

Who caught feelings first ? : ??

Pretty undefined , you both think it was you , since Shikamaru didn't really see interest in romance , but it's very ill-defined .

Who confessed first ? : You .

As you know , the man with a doubling I.Q since early years of his life , is more lazy and physically slower than a sloth. (by choice , of course .) Love didn't interest him . Certainly not at his age , or really anything . Relationships are "Too much work ." And "Way too troublesome ." For his liking . So you had to do it for him . He just said "What a drag ." You had to ask multiple times if you guys were a thing , just for clarification .

Who said "I love you" first ? : Him .

You got pulled into one of Shikamaru's lazy lying sessions , and he layed beside you and basically said "You're pretty troublesome , but I love you so it makes up for it ." For someone who isn't interested in romantic relationships , he was getting into it pretty quickly .

Y. Ino :

Who caught feelings first ? : You .

Yeah no , you were the one to fall for her , instead of the other way around . Ino had a huge crush on a certain ravenett , so it wasn't possible for her to fall for you . So you were the one to start to crush.

Who confessed first ? : You .

You knew Ino would still (probably) be inlove with Sasuke still , but you had to get it out of your system . To your surprise (and many others) , she accepted . And I quote " Bill - board brows can have Sasuke , I'll take the better option . " Atleast it was nice to hear ? Right intention , wrong delivery .

Who said "I love you" first ? : Ino .

On the day of your birthday , Ino was going on a mission . Luckily , it wouldn't take too long , but she wouldn't be there for the day . So , before she left , she left a bushel of your favorite flowers from her family's shop , with a heartfelt note . As soon as she returned to the village , she engulfed you in a hug , apologized for not being there , and told you that she loved you .

A. Choji :

Who caught feelings first ? : ??

Neither of you are sure , he says that he did , but you beg to differ .

Who confessed first ? : You

You were pretty blunt with it , basically saying "Hey , I like you . Like I love you  .  I hope this doesn't make it awkward between us ." That was it . Literally . You didn't beat around the bush .

Who said "I love you" first ? : You

You said it when you said you liked him . Which he was taken back at , but agreed that he liked you also .

[ IM SUFFERING HOLY HELL ITS LIKE 1099 WORDS AAAAAAA I HAVENT WRITTEN LIKE THIS IN FOREVER . also I'll be making the other six members of Konoha 11 later so yeah lol. ]

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