iii. folie à deux

Start from the beginning

"Alright, I would like to look at . . . measure fifty-six on your sheet music," she announced to the class, who began to flip through their sheet music. 

The Meadowbrook High School Choir was a busy choir. Even if it was the second day back from school and they were still easing back into things, there was no time to waste with a performance around the corner. 

	About a week later, Dr

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About a week later, Dr. Terry delivered new information to the choir, as promised. She reminded the class that the paywall for Chorus dues was now up on the school app, where students and parents could pay for school lunches, club dues, and all things related to that. Dues were eighty dollars to pay for any possible field trips they might take in advance, formal gowns for ladies, tuxedos for gentlemen, and casual chorus T-shirts for everyone.

For any other student in the room, it wouldn't have been too difficult to get their parents to pay for the dues, or at least pay for them on their own. It wouldn't be difficult for everyone but Alexander. With his father struggling financially, it would be hard to convince him to pay eighty dollars, which could've been more efficiently used for groceries. But one way or another, Alexander would have to open up to his father about it.

If he didn't pay for the dues, Alexander wouldn't be allowed to participate in their upcoming concerts. Singing without the choir by his side didn't sound ideal to him, especially since he was in chorus, a class where everyone all sung together joyously. Being in that class always lifted up his spirit in a way. It's like singing had some kind of power in it that puts people in a good mood. At least, that's how it was for Alexander.

Speaking of lifting spirits, Dr. Terry had good news for both Alexander and Inez. After class that day, a typical Monday afternoon, the teacher called them both to her office, which was located on one of the sides of the choir room. Whenever this happened, both Inez and Alexander both knew that this meant something good was about to happen. But being called together? That meant something was up. 

"So, what did you need us for, Dr. Terry?" Inez questioned with a smile, paying no mind to Alexander, who was a distance away from the girl.

He stared at her for a split second before facing Dr. Terry once more, who was situated at her desk. His eyes couldn't help but dart back to all the frames placed on the wall behind his teacher. They contained family photos and college degrees, her doctorate degree in the largest frame. It was impressive how much Dr. Terry has achieved in her career. With those skills, she was willing to help both Alexander and Inez, who were still waiting for the news she was about to deliver. 

"I know that for this past week, we've only worked on Maybe I'm Amazed, but I've noticed how both of your vocals stand out," she announced as she adjusted the rim to her raven black glasses. "It was a tough decision to make, but I've chosen you both to do the duet for that song specifically. Inez, you have the female part, and Alexander, you have the male part."

The pair exchanged glances at each other. Instead of jumping for joy, they blankly stared at each other, hesitant on what to say or do. Sure, having a special part in the song was great, but if it was with each other, it didn't seem so great.

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