Margot glanced at Peter. "Don't die."

Peter nodded. "I don't plan on letting that happen. See you later?"

"In your dreams, Parker."

Peter smiled, not hearing as much of the rudeness that had been there before.

Margot walked away and made her way back to her apartment where Ned and Sarah were waiting. "Let's get started."

Ned nodded. "Yeah, let's do it."

Soon, the sound of the news caught their attention and Margot and Sarah went to investigate. She saw Spider-Man on the TV trying to save a ferry and then saw Iron Man.

Margot groaned softly. "Always getting into trouble."

Sarah glanced at her sister. "You're one to talk."

"Hey, I'm not there."

"Only because you wanted to build a spaceship."

"Well, yes."


Peter walked down the hallway of his apartment wearing pink Hello Kitty pajamas and an oversized NYC tourist T-shirt. He knocked on a door, which May answered.

Peter whispered, "Hey."

May inhaled deeply and stormed inside. "I've been calling you all day. You didn't answer your phone. You can't do that. Then this ferry thing happens. I've called five police stations." Peter walked to May and stood behind her. "Five. I called five of your friends."

"I'm fine."

"I called Ned's mother and Sarah and Margot's father."

"May, I'm okay. Honestly. Just relax. I'm fine."

May stood and faced Peter. "You. Cut the bullshit. I know you left detention. I know you and Margot left the hotel room in Washington. Daniel knows. I know you sneak out of this house every night. That's not fine. Peter, you have to tell me what's going on. Just lay it out. It's just me and you."

There was a beat, then Peter's eyes filled up with tears. "I lost the Stark internship."



"What happened?"

"I just thought that I could work really hard and he could, he would, you know. But I screwed it up." He sat down on the sofa next to him.

May hugged him and stroked him. "Oh... It's okay, it's okay. It's okay."

"I'm sorry I made you worry."

"You know I'm not trying to ruin your life."

"Yeah, I know."

"Just... I used to sneak out too."


May scowled, then leaned in to sniff Peter's hair. "And take a shower. You smell. You smell like garbage. Then go visit Margot and let her know you're okay."

"I know."

After showering, Peter made his way to Margot and Sarah's apartment. He knocked on the door and Daniel answered.

"Hey, Peter."

"Can I talk to Sarah and Margot?"

"Sure. Sarah! Margot!"

The twins walked up and Sarah instantly said. "Are you okay? We saw you on the news and were worried."

Margot frowned. "Peter, what happened?"

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