Peter and Margot ran towards a deli and nodded at a man sitting at the corner and the former said, "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, man," the man replied.

Peter and Margot entered Delmar's Deli-Grocery and he headed to the counter.

"What's up, Mr. Delmar?" Peter asked. "This is Margot."

"Hey, Mr. Parker," Mr. Delmar replied. "Number five, right? Anything for you, Margot?"

Margot shook her head. "No, I'm on an important mission here."

"What sort of mission?"

"Top secret."

"All right, don't let me keep you."

Peter picked up jelly in a plastic bag and puts it on the counter. It said 'Best By 03.16.18.'

"Yeah, um, and, uh, with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat?" Peter said. "Thanks."

"You got it, boss," the deli clerk replied.

Margot's nose scrunched. "Ew. Should've known you were a pickle eater."

"How's your aunt?" Mr. Delmar asked.

"Yeah, she's all right," Peter replied, shooting Margot a look.

Mr. Delmar turned to speak to his staff in Spanish. "La tía de é les una italiana muy bellissima.

(His aunt is a very hot Italian woman.)

"¿Ah, sí?" the deli clerk said.

(Oh, yeah?)

"¿Cómo está tu hija, eh?" Peter shot back.

(How is your daughter, huh?)

The deli staff hooted behind the counter. Mr. Delmar's grin faded and he stated, "Ten dollars."

"It's five dollars."

"For that comment, ten dollars."

"Hey, come on, I'm joking. I'm joking." Peter pulled out some cash from his wallet and handed it over to Delmar. Delmar took the money with a grumpy look on his face. "Here's five dollars." Peter moved towards a fat cat lying on the counter and petted him. "What's up, Murph? How you doing, buddy?"

Margot pet the cat and smiled. "Aren't you a pretty kitty."

"Oh, so you're nice to the cat and not me?"

"I'm allergic to spiders."


When he returned to collect his food, Mr. Delmar struck up a conversation. "So, how's school?"

"Ah, you know, it's boring," Peter replied. "Got better things to do."

"Stay in school, kids. Stay in school. Otherwise, you're both gonna end up like me."

"This is great."

"Best sandwiches in Queens." He handed Peter his sandwich.

Peter and Margot left the store and ran across the street with the bagged sandwich in his hand. They passed under an elevated train track, Peter holding up his palm at a cab that honked at them, and ran into an alley. He took off his shoes and threw them aside. He seemed to be in a hurry. Margot narrowed her eyes in suspicion as she crossed her arms.

From his backpack, Peter pulled out a blue and red Spider-Man suit. He knocked over a garbage can as he awkwardly took off his pants, making sure Margot wasn't looking. Peter yanked off his shirt and sweater, then stepped into his suit, wearing only his boxers. Jumping, he pulled the full-body suit up over his legs. Peter fit his arms in the sleeves, then put on the mask, which covered his entire head. The baggy suit hung loosely over his slender frame.

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