Flash was driving his annoyed date to the homecoming dance as he said, "I'm sorry about dinner, but I know when branzino's fresh, and that was not fresh, okay? So..." He screamed as Peter landed on the front of his car and as Margot stood next to it.

Peter said in a gravelly voice, "Flash, I need your car and your phone."

"Uh, sir, technically, this is my dad's car, sir. So I can't..." He watched Spider-Man and Margot drive away in his car and hit a row of bikes. He whimpered.

Peter made a call to Ned while driving precariously. Margot held onto the arm rest and the bar at the top for dear life
Ned took the call in the library, between rows of computers.

Peter spoke in a normal voice. "Hello, Ned? Hey, hey, hey, hey, can you hear me? Is Sarah there?"

"Go for Ned," Ned replied. "Sarah's here."

"Ned, I need you and Sarah to track my phone for me."

"Yeah, but where is it?"

Peter's phone lit up in the backseat of Toomes' car. Toomes was unaware.

Ned tracked the signal and said, "Genius move. Okay, he just passed the GameStop on Jackson Avenue."

"Hey, where are the headlights on this thing?" Peter asked. "Margot and I are in Flash's car."

Ned rolled his chair to another computer. "I'll pull the specs."

"Okay, you're on speakerphone."

"You two stole Flash's car," Sarah said. "Awesome. Hey, be careful."

"Yeah, it's awesome. It's awe... Whoa!" Peter nearly crashed into other cars, causing Margot to scream. "Get out of the way, get out of the way! Move! Move!"

"Peter, are you and Margot okay?"

"I've never really driven before. Only with May in parking lots. This is a huge step up..." A car nearly hit Peter and Margot, who screamed. "Hey, have you gotten through to Happy yet?"

"Yeah. I'm working on it. I just gotta backdoor the phone system," Ned replied as he rapidly typed, then twirled in his chair. "Guy in the chair. And the girl in the chair."


Toomes checked his watch and headed to an old Brooklyn factory warehouse.


Happy popped up on Ned's computer screen and said, "Takeoff in nine minutes." He spoke to Ned. "Hello? Hello? Who is this?"

"Uh... Mr. Happy, it's Ned," Ned told him.


"I'm an associate of Peter Parker and Margot Rogers. Got something very important to tell you-"

"You gotta be shitting me." Happy's screen went off.



"Hey, Ned, Sarah, how we coming on with those headlights?" Peter asked.

"Uh... Round knob to the left of the steering wheel, turn clockwise," Ned told him.

"Left. Okay. Okay, perfect. So where's my phone now?"

"Um... He stopped in an old industrial park in Brooklyn," Sarah informed.

"What? That makes no sense. I thought he said he was going out of town!"

Margot shrugged. "Brooklyn isn't Queens. So he could've meant out of town from Queens."

Peter shot her a look. She returned his look.

The car was a literal hazard as it drove down the road.

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