And with that, I go to sleep.

"Beep beep"

Already?? I don't wanna....


Ok, ok...

I slowly open my eyes, squinting slightly.

"Ugh, I don't wanna get up.."

But you have to maintain your reputation, don't you little miss Perfect~

That I do, that I do....

But we can't go too far, like I did yesterday...

Don't think about that, Monika... think about... oh yeah! I've gotta make breakfast! And it's already 6:50! Can't be late, afterall...

In my haste, I quickly get changed and rush downstairs.

Hmmm... just toast will do.

Okay, okay... I walk over to my fridge and get the butter out, then to my bread bin for... surprise, surprise... the bread.

Then I place the bread in the toaster and sit down.

Normal children would have their parents doing this for them....

Ugh, stop it! Mum and dad love me very much, and it's not their fault that they have so many business trips!


I go to fetch my toast.

Stop being selfish, Monika.

I place it in my mouth and chew slowly, mentally revising for upcoming exams.

Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, ribosomes are the sight of proteinsynthesis, the nucleus contains DNA for the cell to reproduce, cytoplasm is the site of chemical reactions... e.t.c.

( AN- don't ask, don't ask )

Okay, well, looks like the revision payed off, huh?

Alright, time to go...

On my way to school, I mentally go over my timetable.

First class is trigonometry, then calculus prep, then Japanese literature, and just before lunch, physics. After that there's... uh...

Damn, looks like I'll need to waste 5 minutes of my life reaching into my bag for the timetable to see what we have after lunch....

Grumbling to myself slightly, I reach into my bag and look at my timetable.

Okay, it's music and biology.

Ahh- the school gates. As I walk in, I spot my friend Sora.

"Hey Sora!"

"Yo, Monika, sup?"

"Nothing, I'm good. Anything interesting happen?"

Lavender and Lilac ( Yurika )Where stories live. Discover now