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Naruto's POV

Groaning, I opened my eyes and saw myself in a small 4 cornered room without windows...not the best cell so far
"Hello" I said quietly or maybe whispered because I was never the loud mouth then I heard footsteps coming in my direction and without warning the same man from last night entered and stood inside the cell
"Hatsuni-Sama come in and see him..he is perfect for Tokeshi-Kun right" he asked while a man stepped inside
The man had silver hair which were accented by his red eyes. He was huge with bulging hard muscles. He looked at me with those eyes that instilled the fear of Kami-Sama in me.
"Boy what's your name and age" he asked me with a deep baritone voice that sent shivers down my spine
"U-Uzumaki Nawuto s-sir" I told him and what I'm only 2
"A-And I'm 2" I said while the man smiled before turning to the man of last night
"You did well Tatsuo let's get him ready and I've changed my mind he belongs to me, get Tokeshi another one" the older man said to Tatsuo-San before going out while Tatsuo-San had a devilish grin and said while turning to me
"Sure thing Hatsuni-Sama" he said before removing what looked like a whip from his pocket
"W-what awe you gonna do with that sir" I asked him as he inched closer to me
"Don't worry Naruto-kun you'll feel much better soon and then you'll be crying for more" he said as he removed my clothes and tentacles wrapped my body and I screamed as the whip came in contact with my naked body.

I woke up with a hot sticky liquid covering my body along with sweat and blood.
Tatsuo-San had said that what we had was lesson number one and there were many more to come.
My body is on fire and my mouth feels dirty because Tatsuo-San pushed his thing into my mouth then I was forced to drink a hot sticky liquid which I hope is not pee.
Time to get some sleep.

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