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It's a Dinner, Aren't you ready?

"Hello, Mrs. Winters." I greeted formally as soon as the front door opens, wearing my usual casual clothes, with a practiced smile pasted permanently on my lips and a tray of brownies baked by my beautiful and ever-loving mother for our beautiful and ever-caring neighbors, the Winters.

"Oh, Alex!" Mrs. Winters exclaims at me, as she gladly takes the tray full of sweets from my hands and with a gleeful smile, gestures me to go inside. "We're still getting ready for dinner." she says and I just grinned back to her, more focused on looking around the house to search for my victim.

The Victim.

"Oh, Liz's upstairs," Mrs. Winters tells me, whom I think had already guessed the real reason why I was there too early. "you can go there now, check her if you want. She's just playing her guitar, as always," she goes on and ushers me upstairs and I chuckled at her persistence on making us work this out. Oh, parents.

"Tell her to get ready now, the chicken's almost done." she tells me as I trod up the stairs, and with a nod I went ahead.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I was standing by her door, waiting for her to open up which I guess, would be a difficult task right now since I already knew that she finally heard from the delightful loud voice of her mother that I was here. She probably even knows now that I was the one who's knocking.

"Open up, sweetie," I still called out to her from the closed door, left with no other choice but to force myself in, "You better get ready now, we're going to have dinner soon."

"Leave me alone, Ex." She replies to me in a stubborn way she always does, and I grinned at her sudden use of my own petname she made.

"I'm not gonna leave until you open the door." I say back, forever loving this routine we always do, which is the fighting, obviously.

"Ugh!" I hear her grunt and I chuckled silently to myself as I listen to her footsteps stomping madly inside her room. I waited for her to open, because she always does, and when she did, I gave my best to pose the warmest and most attractive smile I got that could win a thousand hearts in a flash. She was in her typical jersey shorts and tee.

"Get lost, Ex." she scowled at me and I took my time to appreciate her familiar face and that dark brown hair—the undeniable perfect combination for a beautiful sweetheart named Elizabeth Winters. I grinned wider.

"How's life?" I asked her instead, and she crossed her arms in front of her, pushing up the softness resting on her front. I mentally slapped myself for thinking nasty about her again. Mind on the game, Lex. 

"Did you have a good day?" I continued. She's quite tall that's why I don't have to look down at her to see her face and love it even more. I just wish she also sees how I see her right now, completely perfect.

"It was all so wonderful, Alex," she says with a fake smile then scowls again, "...until you appeared."

"Oh, what a lovely thought, my sweetie." I say, leaning in a little towards her as she winced at my new petname for her. "And just so you know, you look hotter when you're mad."

She sneered at my words and with an angry scowl, she slammed the door at my face, and I was chuckling when I hear her squealed in disgust inside her room. I knocked again, trying to annoy her more.

"Hey, sweetie," I say as I continued to tap on her door, "You fine there? Are you alright?" I ask.

She was not responding which then only makes me feel more accomplished of annoying her so I continued to knock, and I didn't dare stop. I was really determined to let her open the door again, even when my knuckles were beginning to hurt. I still knock and knock and knock and knock... Which probably continued for a few more minutes, but being the moron I always am, I still continued to knock until my knuckles turned red.

"Fine," she finally opens the door and I stopped midway of knocking and looks at her with a mouth hanging open. My almost smirk was slapped away by the sudden transformation of the girl in front of me...

A blue dress, a headband on, a small brush of lipgloss on the lips, a sweet pinch of pink on the cheeks... She was beautiful and now she's... just this hot beautiful. More like, innocent but hot beautiful and I can't stop staring at her even when I already know I look like an idiot, already caught checking her out in the process.

She looks up to me with a nervous glance and looks down at herself, "What?" she asks, she was feeling a bit uncomfortable, I can see it.

"So you're ready?" I say, masking the desire I felt inside my chest to tell her she's so damn attractive and I love her and I...

"What?" she asks again, nervous and jittery, "Do I look weird or something?"

She was referring to her appearance and I almost shook my head frantically at her to deny it but instead, "Well, nothing seemed to have changed." I told her, faking the sarcasm but deep inside I was so happy to see her like this.

"Oh, thanks, asshole." she says, and a confident smirk appears on her face, "And better keep that jaw back to its own place before all your saliva's gone dry and leaves stains on our wooden floor." she tells me this, before making her way past through me with her heels clicking down through the hallway, and to the stairs, leaving me feeling dumb in an instant. Shit, I got caught.

But I really can't deny it anymore... I love her finally.

So beware then, Elizabeth Winters... 'cause you're going to love me for the most unreasonable reason you won't ever know.





Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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