Chapter 13

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*Jackie's POV*

I glitched through another wall, desperately searching for Anti. Come on Glitch bitch, I want my body back. I took a deep breath after realising I had clenched my fists again. I've been doing it a lot lately, feeling more pessimistic by the second. I needed my body back soon before I had another episode.

"Help!" I heard a familiar voice scream from the next room. I glitched my way through, barely missing the objects that were scattered across the room. I looked around, quickly finding my target in the centre with a beaming light post blaring into his face? Whatever!

"Anti, there you are." I sighed in relief. "Let's get you out of here."

"No, please! Get away from me, Jackie!"

"I'm trying to help you. Stop squirming." I whispered harshly.

Whatever I tried he would snap and bite at me, causing me to grow frustrated by the minute.

"I wasn't expecting you out of all people to show." A sly cunning voice echoed.

I groaned and turned around, seeing a familiar figure in the distance. He dropped down from a box, landing perfectly on his feet.


"I made such an effort only to have everyone ruin it. Im disappointed, especially in you, Anti."

The side calmly walked up to me, turning me around to witness Anti struggle and cry out in his chair. Wow I'm an ugly crier. I wanted to look away but I didn't I just couldn't.

"Stop!" Anti yelled, biting and straining whatever was in front of him.

"Let him go." I uttered.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Only Remus can do such."

"Then- Then go get him."

"Is this not what you want. To have him suffer? Doesn't he deserve it?"

The word hit me like a brick as I remembered what I said last night.

You're a criminal! If anything you deserve to suffer!

"This isn't right. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Something tells me you did. I always knew your dark side was stronger than you."

"Dark side?"

"Everyone has dark sides, Anti. I've met yours."

"You're lying." I objected.

"I've met them countless times. Your own imagination, your own anxiety...and your own deceit."

I balled my fist once again and punched Deceit in his face before I rushed to Anti and knelt down in front of him as he cried.

"Please! I'm sorry!" He yelled as I cupped his cheeks. A sudden spark went off in my brain and I suddenly wasn't in the warehouse. Instead I was in a black void. I looked around, a little frightened as I found Anti standing two steps away. I was in my body again and he was in his, blood covering his arms and shirt. I was so confused at this point.

"Jackie?" He spoke softly, looking straight at me.

"Come on Anti we have to get home." I told him.

"I'm so sorry." He muttered, smiling painfully as he glitched.

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