Chapter 2

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Chase's POV:
It was four in the morning when my alarm went off. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, turning on the bed side lamp. I tried to blink to clear my view yet my eyes never adjusted. Was I going blind?! Before I went into a panic I remembered the events of last night. Oh my god it worked?! I grabbed Henrick's glasses from the table and put them on. I was in Henrick's bed! I was Henrick! I looked around the room and spotted a piece of paper. Was this a to do list? I groaned again and read the contents...

Dear, Chase. I have scheduled alarms for you as well as made you a list. Make sure you cross off all of them!!!! And please be on time!

I glanced over the list and shrugged, seemed simple enough.

1. Set the coffee pot on when you wake up

I rolled out of my bed and stretched my back. This is gonna be easy. I began my journey and walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Coffee pot...on. What's next?"

2. Shower and get dressed (Use blue sponge)

3. Drink coffee and put my bag at the front (Do NOT forget it)

4. Open my emails and find my work schedule for today

5. Print out my schedule and keep it with you at all times

6. Pack lunch (No candy)

Did you really have to write that down? I rolled my eyes and did number two to six. This wasn't too bad, sure I would of liked to sleep in but it was just for the day I guess. It soon became quarter passed five and I was in the living room with a snack when the next ego had awoken. Marvin.

"Morning Hen." Marvin's face paled. "I just talked?"


Marv- Jameson gasped. "I can speak!"

"That's great Jay."

"This is so cool. I can't wait to- Oh hi Marv."

I turned to look at Marvin who was in Jameson's body. He seemed confused as he tried to sign.

'H - E - L - L - C.'

"Do you mean hello?" I asked.

Marvin nodded with a frown.

"Can you not speak sign language?" Jameson asked, putting his hands on his hips.

Marvin was about to open his mouth but he knew it was useless. He paused for a moment before putting his hand out.


We waited for him to return and watched him come back with a white board and marker. Once he wrote something down he showed it to us. It read:

I can understand it, not speak it! :(

Jameson sighed. "Shameful, honestly."

With that note he left the room and marched towards the kitchen. Marvin silently sighed too and wrote something else.

I'm a horrible brother

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