Chapter 9

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*Marvin's POV*

"Treys got a girlfriend! Treys got a girlfriend!" I hear Gregory sing in the back seat.

"Enough before I kick you!" Trey yelled, almost causing me to swerve in traffic.

I wanted to scream at them, I wanted to tell them off but I had no choice but to keep quiet. Damn I hated being mute.

"You've arrived at your destination." The phone blurted.

I sighed in relief and parked next to house. I turned around after I unlocked the parental lock and waited for them to leave.

"Thanks Uncle Jameson." Gregory said before immediately rushing towards the house.

Trey on the other hand was still in the car. He seemed to be more nervous than usual, awkwardly folding his arms as he looked towards the house. His attention cut to me when he caught me staring.

"What?" He spat.

I glared and made a wait gesture. I quickly took my potion, finished it up and drank the disgusting liquid before turning back to the angsty teen. My head felt fuzzy for a second but it worked like a charm.

'Why aren't you getting out?' I signed.

"I just don't want to go okay?"

'Why? Because of a girl?'

"It's not just the girl. I'm having a crisis okay?"

I frowned and turned to face the back seat, waiting for him to continue.

"Look, I've liked this girl for a really long time, but...lately...I kind of like..."

"A boy?"

Trey hung is head. "Yes." He muttered.

My heart exploded with happiness, already picturing the pride outfits. Instead of screaming in joy I gave a soft smile and got out the car, opening the back seat before giving him a hug. He hesitated at first but he hugged me back.

"Please don't tell my dad."

'I won't.' I assured after we separated. 'But don't hide you're feelings forever. It's not like we can judge you. Your father is the only straight one and sometimes I don't believe that either.'

"Yeah, Uncle Marvin would probably faint from joy."

'It's only because he wants you to be proud of who you are.'

"Thanks Uncle Jamey."

'Want me to walk inside with you?' I asked.

"Yes please."

I nodded and got out, waiting for him to exit the vehicle so I could lock it. Together we walked to the back garden, letting ourselves into the party.

"Shit they're both here." I heard Trey mutter.

'It's good to keep your options open. Now go make me proud.' I signed before pushing him towards the group of teens.

My work was done. As I was about to leave a lady had ran up to me.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you said you cancelled. You're just in time too, the kids are starting to get antsy." She rambled, pulling me towards the centre of the party.

My heart started to pound as I was dragged onto a low stage and introduced to the kids who waited for me to entertain them. Thanks to my rule of 'Always keep a deck of cards handy' I pulled them from my pocket, taking out the cards and throwing the box to the side.

My usual confident-voice charm was out so I had to improvise. How was I meant to entertain without a voice? How did Jameson do this? That's when I got an idea, using over expressions as I started to do a few tricks. The kids seemed to like it except for one kid, a little girl. She had her head down the entire time. I got curious and got down to her eye level, tapping her shoulder. She looked to me with slight shock before her small lips curled into a frown again. I tried to cheer her up and tried a simple coin behind the ear trick, but my hand froze as I saw what was really behind her ear. A broken hearing aid.

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