Chapter 5

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*Marvin's POV*

"He should be here by now." Jameson muttered, checking his pocket watch.

Maybe he stopped somewhere?

"That's not like Wilford, he's always on time. But I guess while we wait let's go over the plan."

I gave a timid thumbs up and adjusted my bow tie. The plan was a great idea made by Jameson. He suggested I tape my hands as if I had an accident so that I couldn't sign. Then Jameson would pretend to use magician skills to speak telepathically while pretending to be me.

"Remember, when he says something, pretend to speak to me and I'll answer for you."

Got it

Jameson smiled and helped me tape my hands. I looked like Jackie after a work out accident.

"There ya go, Marv. Good as broken."

I waved my hands slightly to make sure they were stuck on good and they were. Bless Jameson for taking a lesson from Henrick. Jameson gasped as he heard the door. "I'll get it!"

The once silent dapper skipped down the stairs and to the door with me following behind him.

"That's him. Are you ready?"

I gave another thumbs up before Jameson opened the door.

"Will!" He cheered, yet I was the one to be attacked with a bear hug.

"Jameson! Oh how I've missed you so! Hello Magic man."

I caught a frown forming on Jameson's lips before he shook it away and greeted his guest.
"Hello, Will."

"My dear boy, what happened to your fingers?!" The mad man asked, gently inspecting my hands from up close.

"A small kitchen accident, they should be better soon." I- I mean Jameson assured.

Wilford tutted and gently kissed my "broken" knuckles and then forehead. "A kiss for protection and a kiss because I can." He chuckled, leading me away from the door.

Jameson closed the door as Wilford made himself at home.

"Will?" Jameson started, trying to gain his attention. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to help translate for Jameson so you two can still chat. I can use my magic."

"No, thank you. I have learned not to trust the dark arts, it can make one a bit...mad. You should of seen Celine with her fortune tellings. Such a sleeping beauty that one, always asleep when I ask for her."

I felt like panicking. Without Jameson what would I say? I don't know this man as well as him? Truthfully I don't think even Wilford knows Wilford. I gently patted his shoulder and nodded towards Jameson. Come on, mad man. Let him come with.

"But Jameson..." Wilford whined. "You know how I feel about certain people...especially him."

That last part was whispered into my ear. What the fuck does that mean? I stood straight and pushed Wilford away, folding my arms and turning my back. If I could speak it would not be PG. I'm delightful to hang around with! Who did he think he is?!

"Okay fine, I guess you may tag along."

Jameson sighed in relief before he spoke again. "Thank you, I promise I'll be good help. Why don't you go take a seat so long while I help Marv- I mean Jameson with refreshments and snacks."

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